Baldur's Gate 3 - You Have Two Hands for a Reason Achievement/Trophy Guide

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The "You have two hands for a reason." achievement is for petting the dog Scratch and the owlbear cub at the same time. This isn't super straight forward on how to actually make this happen, so today I'll be showing exactly how to get the Owlbear cub and Scratch as pets, and how you can pet both of them at the same time.

Baldur's Gate 3 has been exploding in popularity recently, and for good reason. One of these reasons is the sheer amount of choice and options you have to do whatever you want. Including having pets.

The "You have two hands for a reason." achievement is for petting the dog Scratch and the owlbear cub at the same time. This isn't super straight forward on how to actually make this happen, so today I'll be showing exactly how to get the Owlbear cub and Scratch as pets, and how you can pet both of them at the same time.

Getting Scratch

You have two hands for a reason. This is true, but also the name of the achievement that you get for petting both Scratch, and the owlbear cub at the same time. You’ll of course need to put in some work finding these two new pets and working on making them come to your camp and stick around. This all starts in Act 1 in the first area. I’ll pop the coordinates for these two up on the screen as we’re working on picking them up.

(X:70, Y: 474) On the way to the Blighted Village you’ll find a dog standing over a dead body. Interact with him and if you can speak with animals, you’ll have a quick little conversation where he tells you keep moving, but you can use a persuasion option to convince him that you’re friendly. Be nice and just let him know that his friend won’t be getting up and then that the dog Scratch can come find you at your camp if his friend doesn’t wake up. You just want to be sure not to use an aggressive option as that’ll spook him and cause him to run.

Then after a day or two you’ll have Scratch show up and he’ll be your new best friend. Then you can pet him to your hearts delight! But we do still have one more puzzle piece to put together to get this achievement, and this one is a bit more complicated.

Getting the Owlbear Cub

The owlbear cub can be found in a cave northeast of the Blighted Village, but before we go there it would be helpful to take a stop a bit down the road where you find a body on the ground and two people standing over it. You’ll talk to them and find out that you’re a true soul, and you can convince them to go with you to the owlbear cave where it mauled the person laying on the ground.

Then we can head over to the owlbear cave and you can attempt to interact with the owlbear mother. You can try a few dice checks to see if you can be friendly with her, but chances are you’ll end up getting into a fight with her. Since we brought those other two people with us we’ll have a much better chance at surviving the fight. Just make sure you don’t kill the cub, and after the fight don’t kill it after it starts eating it’s mother.

Now you can leave the cave and go about your day. We’ll see the cub again a little later on. Over to the west of Blighted Village you can head over to the goblin camp as long as you pass a speech check to get in. Once in the camp you’ll find a group of goblins chasing an owlbear cub. If it’s not here yet you may need to take a long rest or two and then eventually it should show up.

Talk to the goblin Krolla and they’ll explain their chicken chasing game. Go ahead and do that and talk to the owlbear cub to get it somewhat more friendly with you and tell him that you have a camp and that he’s welcome there. He won’t want to leave until after the goblins are dealt with though.

So now we have a choice. We can fight all of the goblins to get the owlbear freed, or we can talk to Krolla after the chase and tell her that you’re leaving, and the owl bear is coming with you. You have a few speech options you can try to pass, bribe her, or of course go back to fighting and fight the goblins. Now with the owl bear free you can go about your business.  A couple of long rests later you’ll have a scene play where the owlbear comes up to you in camp.

You can do an animal handling check and make sure you pass that. You can choose any non-violent choices and make sure you pass any checks. One of your followers will likely interrupt you, but don’t worry. The owlbear will return the next night as well. This time he’ll be injured. Go ahead and go through the options to heal him and make sure you pass the checks needed. After that he’ll be your new pet.

Petting Them at the Same Time

Now we finally have both of these animals with us so we should be able to pet both of them, right? Actually, this needs to be a specific scene where you do this. So now you can long rest another two times and you’ll get a new scene where you hear a noise and can go investigate it. The owl bear cub and scratch will be seen laying down and you’ll need to call to them, then pet each of them. As you pet the second one, you’ll get this achievement.

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Baldur's Gate 3 - You Have Two Hands for a Reason Achievement/Trophy Guide

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