Lake - 100% Achievement/Trophy Guide

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This guide will be going over all 10 of the achievements/trophies in the game Lake. It's a relaxing indie game where you go back to your home town for a couple of weeks to deliver packages and help the townsfolk out before making the ultimate decision about your fate.


This game is interesting when it comes to the achievements, and has a few tricks you may want to know about. There are three achievements that are related to different versions of the ending. You can manually save at the end of the game and change your choice to get all of these, so we'll get into all of that later.

Saving the game is one of those little tricks that you need to know about. You'll want to manually save at least at the end of each day before returning to the post office as the game doesn't make those saves for you. With all of the achievements essentially being miss-able having some backup saves to go to may come in handy.

Metal Detector

Metal Detector

Now the game goes day by day starting with September first. I'll point out what day each choice comes up because you will have to do certain things each day to get each achievement.

The first one you can really get from the beginning is "Metal Detector" for talking to Andy the detectorist. Remember, he's not a metal detector, he's a detectorist.

Andy spawns in a few areas around the map most of the time and can spawn any day. If you just make it a habit to keep an eye out for him you're bound to run into him. Also note that he has this car that will be parked on the side of the road wherever he spawns so if you see that parked make sure you take a look around.

The main places to check will be over at the diner, the fields in front of the farm, the camp site, the motel, and the road going through bear creek. Once you find him just talk to him for this achievement.

Higher Ground

Higher Ground

Another one you can do at any time is "Higher Ground" for reaching the hill with the church. The location of this church is here kind of off to the side of the main part of town.

You can do this any day you want and you basically just have to drive into the front steps to get the achievement. There's probably some other safer ways, but no one cares how bad you drive in this game.

Except for apparently everyone at the end of the game. Would have been nice if they said something earlier.

Cat Lover

Cat Lover

Now going through the days there's nothing specific we need to do until day 3. For "Cat Lover" we'll need to help Mildred by taking Mortimer to Burt. You'll have already met this crazy cat lady by now, but you'll need to stop by on day 3 and she'll have a little special request. She wants you to take Mortimer over to Burt the local... fisherman? Yea I don't why she wants him to go there, but oh well.

Take Mortimer out to the docks and give him to Burt. Then the next day you'll be able to go pick Mortimer up from Burt and return him to Mildred. She'll be very thankful for your help and this will get you this achievement.



The other achievement that starts on Day 3 is "Workaholic" for helping Steve out both times. On the night of Day 3 your good old home boy Steve will call you asking for you to help with work. What a good friend! Go ahead and say yes to his great idea on your vacation and you'll receive his package the next day. The next night make sure you choose the option to help with what Steve needed. It's not like you have anything better to do anyway.

It'll be a few days before you get the next call from Steve asking you to help him, but on Day 7 he'll ask you to help and you'll once again need to agree to take care of it. Just like last time you'll get a package the next day and can choose to do that job the next night. If you accidentally forget, or have something else come up then don't worry. You have another chance the next night. This is unfortunately the part of the game that was the most relatable for me...

Movie Carrier

Movie Carrier

The next achievement will be "Movie Carrier" for helping Angie by delivering the movie box. You can start this on Day 4 when you deliver her mail. She'll ask to meet you at your house in a very flirty way so of course you have to agree.

So then each day you'll either be delivering the movie box, or picking up the movie box, to get Lori and Burt into watching movies.

Then on day 8 she'll ask you to go to the movies in a nearby town with her and you'll need to accept that to get the achievement. And of course you can go all the way with Angie afterwards.

Shutter Bug

Shutter Bug

Going back a few days again we'll have "Shutter Bug" for helping Nancy by testing the photo camera. This you'll start on day 5 when you deliver a package to her containing a camera.

Basically just tell her how much you would love to take pictures when she talks about the camera developing room and she'll let you test out the camera. Your requirement is to take at least 5 photos, but you might as well take all 12 just to be safe. You can go around the town taking Candid shots, maybe some nature shots, or just stalk the locals. Whatever you want to do.

After you've taken the pictures just stop by the store to turn the camera back in, and check back a day or two later again for the achievement. You may have to wait for a later day in the game, but I just randomly stopped by and was able to progress this without actually having a delivery to do there.

Tower Watcher

Tower Watcher

Now on day 6 you'll be able to get "Tower Watcher" for climbing the watchtower. You'll need to be nice to Kay so that she'll ask you to meet her at the watchtower on Sunday. You'll of course need to say yes to her and meet her! After that reunion you'll have the tower marked on the map and can go back there. Just head up the stairs and up to the top and this achievement will pop.

Free Spirit

Free Spirit

From this point we just have ending achievements left. So for "Free Spirit" you'll need to leave in the RV. In order for this to work we need to start at day 11 when you're given the RV and take it to Lori to have her work on it. Do not let her have it, but just store it there.

Now going forward to day 13 you're going to want to make sure you save at the end of the day before you go back to the post office. This is the last time you have to make a save so make sure you do it. You don't want to have to go through the rest of the game again just to get the other two endings.

You'll have a few scenes to get through before getting up Monday morning and talking to Frank. He'll ask what you've decided and you'll need to tell him you're going to leave, and then go on the road in the RV. At that point you'll talk to Lori and then to Angie if you were romancing her. Maybe this happens no matter what, I'm not too sure. I went ahead and took her on the road trip with me because of course I would.

Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane

Now load back that save to the evening of the 13th and we can get "Life in the Fast Lane" for going back to the big city. You do unfortunately still have to sit through the last couple of nights and all of the scenes that come with that so you'll spend quite a bit of time going through the endings, but at least you're not playing through the entire game again right?

Then once at Monday morning when you talk to Frank, you'll just let him know that you're going to be leaving and going back to the city to get this achievement.



Then lastly we'll reload that save to the evening of day 13 so we can get "Hometowner" for staying in Providence Oaks. Just like with the last two endings you're going to go through all the scenes leading up to the conversation with Frank and then you'll choose to stay in town. You'll then have the option to get with Robert and I mean why not.

And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Lake. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.

I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!

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