This written guide goes along with my complementary video guide over on Youtube if you'd like to check that out.
This game requires two main play-throughs in order to 100% it. The first being a general play-through where we get all of the collectibles and then a second where we do an insane mode speedrun. This speedrun sucks. You have been warned. :)
Sanctified is for finishing the game in Hard Mode.
Preacher is for finishing the game in Nightmare Mode.
Saint is for finishing the game in Insane Mode. Which is essentially just Nightmare Mode, but with perma-death added.
The easiest way to take care of this is going to be with one Insane Mode playthrough where you can get all three of these unlocked. I made a video showing my full Insane Mode speedrun that you can pull up on another monitor and watch through the sections as I go through it myself.
Thoroughly Baptized is for spending 10 minutes underwater. You likely won't be doing this naturally more than a minute or two throughout your game, but you can grind this out in multiple places throughout.
Just find a watery area where you aren't in danger (the lake at the beginning of chapter 3 is pretty good for this) and then go under water until you start getting low on breath, come up for a bit, and go back down. Repeat that until you finally get this one to pop.
Proper Penance is for crawling for 500 meters. This one you're slightly more likely to get naturally than Thoroughly Baptized, but still will likely just need to grind it out. I did it outside of Ethan's house in the first chapter like with the other, but you can also do it on chapter 4 at the lake pretty easily as well.
The Road to Damascus is for completing 30 recordings.
The Apostle Paul is for completing all recordings.
Bible Study is for collecting 40 documents.
Ordination is for collecting all documents.
As there are 107 collectibles in the game it'll be much easier to use my video guide to go through that rather than trying to figure it out from screenshots and a written guide. I'll also drop some screenshots below of all of the collectibles in your camera once you get to the end.
Asahel is for finishing the game in under 4 hours. This isn't too bad to get done, but I'd recommend going for it during your Insane Mode speedrun to make it more efficient. I of course have my video guide showing my Insane Mode run below so you can follow along with that while you do your run.
Prophet is for finishing the game without hiding in a barrel or closet. This is pretty self-explanatory, but there is one point in one of the school flashbacks where you HAVE to jump into a locker. This does not count against you, but you can't get into any others during the course of the game.
Messiah is for finishing the game in Insane Mode without reloading the camera battery. This is one of the tougher ones to do, but you can be fairly liberal with it in the first two chapters up until you lose your camera for a bit and get it back.
After that you need to save it as much as possible for the mine areas of the game. The best way to knock this out as well as a few other tough achievements is to do an insane mode speed run while not reloading the battery. I made a video guide showing my run of that so you can watch that along with your play-through to get this done as easily as possible.
And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Outlast 2. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.
If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.
I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.
Thanks for reading/watching!