Beginning of the Legend - Caught first Pal
Newbie Pal Tamer - Caught 10 kinds of Pals
Intermediate Pal Tamer - Caught 20 kinds of Pals
Skilled Pal Tamer - Caught 50 kinds of Pals
Seasoned Pal Tamer - Caught 90 kinds of Pals
This one is pretty simple as long as you keep a few general concepts in mind. Hitting pals to get them to low health will make them easier to catch, using higher quality pal spheres will raise your catch percentage, and using the lifmunk effigies to increase your base capture rate.
Then you can check in your paldex and if there's one you haven't captured yet then you can go to the screen to see their habitats and go find them to catch them. You can also catch the different sub types of pals and it will count towards your different kinds to pad that number a bit.
Now with the catching pals side of things out of the way, we'll need to get into the boss battling side of things. As a quick tip on type advantage in this game there's a chart that shows what is good against what. If you played something like Pokemon, or one of the other monster taming games, you'll be familiar with the way this typing chart goes.
On the left we have the normal circle of Grass beats Ground beats Electric beats Water beats Fire which beats Grass. Then moving over to the left side we see that Fire also beats Ice making it the only type that has a big advantage over two different types. Then Ice beats Dragon which beats Dark which beats Normal.
That will be a big way to get an advantage in these boss battles, but you'll also want to pay attention to the traits your pals have as that can give you big boosts, as well as combining pals to improve their power.
We won't get too deep into those, but you can read the traits to find out if gives them boosts to defense, attack, things around the base, etc. And when combining pals you basically just have to find one you want to power up, catch a bunch of pals of the same kind and sacrifice them to strengthen the one you want to keep. Each star bonus you go up gives you pretty big boosts to your pal so this is going to be huge when it comes to the harder boss fights.
None of that matters though if you're not leveling yourself up, getting better weapons and armor, and making your character more powerful. So don't completely focus on the pals because you're going to have to do a lot of the work in these boss fights yourself.
The first boss battle we have is Zoe and Grizzbolt for the Hillside Sovereign achievement. For this one you'll want to bring pals with ground abilities if possible, but another option is to take four Daedream, one Hoocrate, and make a Daedream's Necklace. That allows you to put a Hoocrate out, and have four daedream chilling around you shooting along with you. The hoocrate will boost the dark type attacks that daedream's do allowing you to do pretty insane damage this early in the game. If you insist on doing it a more intended way then some of the good ground pals you can get around this point would be Rushoar or Gumoss. Bigger more powerful ones would also be good, but we're going with the more realistic approach at each boss. It's honestly super easy compared to the rest, and it'll get you used to the way these battles go of running around the arena dodging attacks and using the pillars to block them.
The second boss battle we have is Lily and Lyleen for the Snowfall Sovereign achievement. For this one you'll want to bring along pals with fire abilities. The list of some good fire pals to use for this fight would be Wixen, Rooby, and Kelpsea Ignis. Of course stronger fire types would also be great, but if you're doing this around level 25 or so you may not be able to get those stronger ones.
The third boss battle is going to be Axel and Orserk for the Volcano Sovereign achievement. For this one you'll want to bring pals with ice abilities. The best ice pals to easily get and boost up to an insane team is the good old sweepa and swee combo. You can use 1 or two seepas and then fill the rest of your party with swees. The swees boost the power of sweepas and you can make this exponential by sacrificing other swees to upgrade the ones in your team. This point is where you'll want to be about mid 40s or higher in level so you'll have access to good enough gear to take these fights on.
The fourth boss battle is going to be Marcus and Faleris for the Desert Sovereign achievement. For this one you'll want to bring pals with water abilities. Some options for your water pals on this one would be Suzaku Aqua or Jormuntide (preferably Jormuntide) and some Kelpsea to increase your water type attacks of other pals.
And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Palworld. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.
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