Portal - Camera Shy Achievement Guide

Guide Last Updated:

This is a guide for the Camera Shy achievement in Portal. There are 33 of these cameras throughout the game and you'll need to knock all of them down in one playthrough for this acheivement.

Camera Shy

To get this one you have to go through the story mode and knock down all possible cameras in one go (33). If you get to the end of the game it will reset your counter so be sure to do all of them in one play through. In the video guide this is covered from 2:14 to 11:38.

Chamber 02

Camera 1/33

Camera 2/33

Camera 3/33

Chamber 03

Camera 4/33

Camera 5/33

Camera 6/33

Chamber 04

Camera 7/33

Chamber 8/33

Chamber 05

Camera 9/33

Camera 10/33

Camera 11/33

Chamber 10

Camera 12/33

Chamber 11

Camera 13/33

Chamber 13

Camera 14/33

Camera 15/33

Camera 16/33

Chamber 15

Camera 17/33

Camera 18/33

Camera 19/33

Camera 20/33

Camera 21/33

Chamber 16

Camera 22/33

Camera 23/33

Camera 24/33

Camera 25/33

Camera 26/33

Chamber 17

Camera 27/33

Camera 28/33

Chamber 18

Camera 29/33

Camera 30/33

Chamber 19

Camera 31/33

Camera 32/33

Camera 33/33

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