This guide is split between 2 parts, if you're if you're looking for an achievement not featured in this part, view the other part:
Plort Peddler - Sell 100 plorts at the Plort Market
This should be one of the first ones you get, because it's literally just for shooting 100 plorts (the things you make money from) into the market. You can get plorts by picking them up out in the field, or by ranching some slimes and feeding them food.
Transplorter - Sell 500 plorts at the Plort Market
Plort Authority - Sell 1,000 plorts at the Plort Market
Plort Powerhouse - Sell 2,500 plorts at the Plort Market
Plort Tycoon - Sell 5,000 plorts at the Plort Market
This is self explanatory, but just keep selling plorts as you go through the game, and eventually you'll get there.
Boop! - Let a tabby slime headbutt you right on the nose
Basically just go out in the wild, or bring some back to the ranch and stand there while they're jumping towards you. Tabby's will naturally try to boop you, so it shouldn't be too tough to get one to do it. Just like you have that natural urge to boop that YT membership button!
Fortunate - Earn over 5,000 newbucks
Well-Off Rancher - Earn over 25,000 newbucks
Upper Crust - Earn over 100,000 newbucks
The main way you're going to do this, or really the only realistic way, is to sell plorts. Whether that's by ranching a bunch of slimes (it should be), or just by picking plorts up from out on the range.
A Quick Newbuck - Earn 5,000 newbucks in a single day
Going along with earning newbucks, there's a slightly harder version of these with "A Quick Newbuck" for earning 5,000 newbucks in a single day. It's not really that hard, just save up enough plorts, wait for their market price to go up, and then sell a bunch in one day to earn at least 5,000.
Jelly Belly Burst - Burst a gordo slime
Gordos will be these big boys sitting around the map in different areas that you'll need to feed certain foods depending on the type of slime they are. Once they eat enough, they'll blow up and give you some rewards. Some of which will be slime keys that are required to open up the big slime doors and progress to different areas.
Open Says Me - Open a slime gate
Just burst one of the gordos that give you a key and use that key to unlock one of the slime gates. Then you can start getting the achievements for unlocking slime gates to new areas.
Mine, All Mine - Discovered the Quarry
On the Other Side - Discovered the Moss Blanket
Into the Past - Discover the Ancient Ruins
Smoke, Fire, and Mirrors - Discovered the Glass Desert
Renewal - Start bringing life back to the Glass Desert
Once you're in the glass desert you're able to work on "Renewal" for starting to bring back life to the Glass Desert. For this you'll need to solve the puzzles for one of the fountain areas by using plorts to activate the three nearby statues. Then suck up that type of water and spray it on these plants to turn them into little oasis's.
Tasty! - Feed 50 slimes on the Ranch their favorite food
Each slime type has a certain food that they like more than the rest that will make double plorts when you feed them. I'll pull up a chart that shows the favorites of the different slime types here so you can come back and reference it. Largos can eat either of their types favorite foods and produce double plorts of both kinds so definitely take advantage of that.
Buck Buck Bagu- - Feed 100 chickens to slimes on the Ranch
You'll need to have some carnivorous slimes on the ranch for this, and you'll probably want a coop with some chickens as well. The numbers you'll want will be four chickens and two roosters to keep them pumping out chickens and use those to feed your slimes.
Free Rangin' - Collect 50 plorts on the Range in a single day
This is pretty simple as well, just go out into the range and pick up plorts off the ground. You do have to get all 50 within a day so you'll probably need to shoot some food into the wild slimes to get more plorts, but it shouldn't be too hard to do.
Hasty Exchange - Fulfill a Range Exchange request between Noon and 2 PM
This is going to be the big machine near the main exit of the ranch where you can take on missions to complete for some small rewards. The easiest way to complete one that quickly (because they reset at noon) is to stock up on slimes, food, and plorts so that when you accept a mission you can just pull them out and complete the mission.
Omnivorous - Feed pink slimes on the Ranch 10 different types of food
Pink slimes are the first ones you see and they also are able to eat literally any piece of food. Just feed them 10 different kinds over time and you'll eventually get this.
Fruit Cocktail - Have 3 different fruit trees on the Ranch at the same time
Just like the last you'll want to make those gardens and once you have 3 types of fruit you'll get the achievement to pop.
While You Were Away - Return to the Ranch after more than 24 hours
This one can be a little tough to do naturally, but just go out exploring, trying to find some slimes, or go afk for a while. Whatever you have to do to spend 24 full hours outside of the ranch before returning.
Fireworks - Shoot a boom slime largo into the air that explodes before landing
This one has a few steps. First you need to find a boom slime and either take it back to the ranch, or feed it another type of slime's plort to turn it into a largo, then while it's angry you want to suck it up and hold it until it's getting ready to explode. Then shoot it up in the air so that it goes off while flying through the air.
Fully Loaded - Have a maximally upgraded corral, coop, and silo on the Ranch
That means you'll need to place down each of those types of items and go up to the upgrade station part of it. Then buy every upgrade you can to max it out. Do that with all three of those kinds and you'll get this one to pop.
That Only Works in Comic Books - Stand inside a rad aura for at least 15 seconds
Make sure you have no radiation on you, then suck a rad largo to hold it and keep it on you for 15 seconds. That's going to be the easiest way to do this.
Once Bitten, Twice... Bitten - Hold onto a tarr for 15 seconds
This is the exact same thing as the last, but you'll need to go find a tarr slime, or make one, and then hold onto it for 15 seconds.