Starfield - How to Farm XP FAST (No Glitches)

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One of Starfield's rarest achievements is “Reach for the Stars” for reaching level 100. Getting all of the XP for that can be a grind and take a LONG time. Well, the two XP farm methods we'll be going over are some of the fastest ways to grind XP in Starfield. With no glitches or exploits of course!

XP Farm 1 - The Best Starter Planet for a Crafting XP Farm

Our first method is going to be one of the best routes to go and even makes you a little bit of money. It also only costs around 950 credits to get started and requires no skills to be taken. Yes, that’s right. NO SKILLS NEED TO BE TAKEN. That means you can head out of the tutorial and start grinding levels if you really want to.

So, just get 950 credits or so, and head to either new Atlantis or Akila city to buy resources. For the purposes of this video, we’ll be going to new Atlantis since that’s where everyone will first go anyway.

So fly there, and assuming you don’t already know where the general shop is here, once you land you can go straight down the main path, then over to the left, and basically just go straight forward to find Jemison Mercantile.

Your shopping list today will be:

14 Aluminum

2 Berylium

10 Cobalt

2 Fiber

20 Iron

15 Nickel

16 Tungsten

2 Zero Wire

Now with that, we’ll go to the absolute best starting place for this type of XP farming. Bessel 3 B.

This is because it has the right mix of resources, a specific area where you can have all of them at one outpost, and each hour is equivalent to 58 hours universal time. I’ll explain why that’s so good in a minute.

So, when you’re trying to find somewhere to land here, we’re going to scan and then find this specific area right here.

Now going out from the point of these three dots and over towards the iron deposit you’ll keep looking at landing spots to check the biome. There’s going to be a specific area where when you check the biome you can barely move it over to go between the mountains, hills, and rocky desert biomes. We want to be right on the edge of all three of these. It took me a bit to get to it each time, but as long as it looks similar to where I land in a second you should be alright. If you don’t find it when you land you can always move the landing spot over to the side to get it out of the way by landing close by, but off to the side, and then trying to find the right spot for the mix again.

So once you find a spot that lets you barely move between the three biomes you can go check it out. You’re looking for an area like this with black rocks and crystal looking formations.

Then look around and hopefully you’ll see a mountain similar to this one over here. Head to that and get your outpost out to see what resources are in range. You can see that by checking in the top left at the resource list and as you move it around you can see them as they are added or removed. Heading along the base of the mountain the biome will change to a flatter, round, rock formation. Around that area where the three meet is going to be the sweet spot. You’re looking for Nickel, Aluminum, Cobalt, and Iron all on the same outpost.

With that outpost made we can get to business. You’ll want to start with your aluminum and iron extractors and wind turbines to power them. Throw a bed down and you have unlimited aluminum and iron being generated. We don’t have to pick up materials from either because when at an outpost you have all of the materials available from those, storage containers, and your ship.

Now moving on to the bed we can sleep an hour to fill up the extractors. "Only an hour" you say? Well aside from the great combination of materials you can get, when you sleep here for an hour, you’re actually sleeping 58 hours universal time. And extractors go by UT… That makes this one of, if not the best places to farm resources like this.

So, sleep an hour, and we can finish up with a cobalt and nickel extractor. Another wind turbine or two to power those. The last major part of the puzzle is an industrial workbench.

Now you can go into that and see that we’ll be generating the resources to craft adaptive frames, and also isocentered magnets. Yes, both of those. So, you’ll get 1 xp per craft and you can do them in batches of 100. The only thing limiting you at this point is storage.

Luckily all you need for solid storage containers is aluminum and iron, plus adaptive frames, but we can make those with the same resources. So make a good amount of storage for each of the four resources and wire them up. Now when you sleep for an hour or two you’ll have an insane amount of resources. Then just get up out of bed and get to crafting as many frames and magnets as you can to spam XP. An added bonus you get from sleeping even just one hour is going to get you the well rested perk and get an XP bonus. Add on a tea for a little extra and you’re good to grind out as much XP as you need.

XP Farm 2 -

This farm takes a little bit more preparation because it requires you to get the zoology skill for animal husbandry. This one is pretty simple and mainly just requires a bit of resources up front, a bit of scanning, and a weapon. And I guess a lot of ammo.

The way you get your ammo and weapons can be however you want. I’m not going to do any of the dumb vendor chest glitches because it’s insanely easy to make money in this game just playing it normally. Plus they just patched it out so if you’re hurting for money that bad go to the first XP farm and sell all of the materials you make from that. Anyway, once you have your ammo and weapons sorted, you’ll want to make sure you have the first zoology skill unlocked.

You don’t have to go any further down that. Then just like with the first one we’ll have a bit of a shopping list. You’ll need:

Adaptive Frames


Reactive Gauges


The amounts of each varies depending on the level you want to scale this to so that part is up to you.

Next up you’ll want to pick a high-level system and a planet with fauna that’s easy to kill. I picked Pyraas for mine because in the Savana or sandy desert biomes you can find these exorunners.

After fully scanning them, you get over 100 XP for each you kill… So fully scan it and it’ll be available for animal husbandry for you to start your very own ranch.

Just pick a flat area and start placing animal husbandry stations down preferably in a circular fashion around a center point where you’ll be stationed. You can then just go down the line shooting them to farm XP and level up your combat skills. This gets faster the lower your difficulty and the more skills you take in the combat tree. I found it still a lot slower than the first method, but to be fair I didn’t really spec much into combat.

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