Stray - 100% Achievement Guide

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This guide will be going over all the achievements in Stray; Stray stars a cuddly cat and a robot companion named B-12. As you play the game you unlock memories for our companion and uncover secrets about the robot society, and the history of this post apocalyptic world.


Missed Jump

After you start the game and hangout with some other cats, you will go exploring and be prompted to jump across an open area from one pipe to another. You will miss this jump and fall into the underground city, giving you the "Missed Jump" achievement.

Not Alone

This achievement is unmissable, being awarded when you make it to the flat and do the electricity puzzle. You fix B-12 and are given the "Not Alone" achievement.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

You get this achievement when B-12 translates the guardian robot for you when you reach the Slums.


This achievement is earned when you reach Midtown, nothing special needs to be done just walk into Midtown.


This achievement is gained when you go to jail after being betrayed and arrested. This achievement is another unmissable achievement.

Eye Opener

This is the last unmissable achievement, gained when you complete the game and open the city to let in the light of the outside world.


Curiosity Killed the Cat

On the other side of the main square from the "Boom Chat Kalaka" achievement area in the Slums, you can get this achievement by going up to a robot sitting against a wall and wearing the paper bag. There are some other areas of the map that have a paper bag to do this, but this is the first opportunity.

A Little Chatty

You get this achievement if you meow 100 times at any point in the game; just spam the "meow" button and eventually the achievement will pop up.


This achievement is similar to "A Little Chatty"; all you need to do is jump up and down from something 500 times. This achievement can happen at any point in the game and isn't location-specific.


To get this achievement you will need to try to play mahjong with some robots at a table in the Antvillage, but when you jump up on the table you ruin the game and the robots get distraught.

No More Lives

This achievement is gained when you die nine (9) times, hence having no more lives. The easiest way to get this achievement is to die nine times on purpose when you go through the chase sequence when you fall into the underground city.

Boom Chat Kalaka

This achievement is gained when you push the basket ball into a trash can in the Slums; there is a specific area that you will see this and the ramp down to the trash can is already there for you.

Télé à chat

This achievement is gained when you jump up to the lounging area and browse every T.V. channel using the remote. Just interact with the remote enough times and eventually this achievement will pop up.


This achievement is gained when you scratch the vinyl in the club. You will need to pick up a record at the beginning of the club and then place it down at the DJ table, then just start scratching it.

Productive Day

To get this achievement you will need to sleep for more than one (1) hour. You can sleep anywhere, just as long as you sleep for at least one hour. At the end of the hour the achievement should pop up.


This achievement is gained if you make it through Midtown without being detected by any of the Sentinels.


To get this achievement you need to get through the entire Sewer chapter without killing any Zurks. Just don't touch any Zurk pods and never use your UV light. This achievement might take a couple run throughs to get.

Can't Cat-ch Me

After you fall into the city, you will start a chase sequence with some zurks. In order to get the "Can't Cat-ch Me" achievement you will need to make it to the end of the chase without being touched by any zurks. The easiest way to do this would be to run in a zig-zag and hug the walls when you can.

I Am Speed

This achievement will need to be completed on a second run through of the game; it is gained when you complete a speed-run of the game in less than two (2) hours. I have also made a standalone video guide showing how to do this.


Stray - All Collectable Achievements Guide

Cat's Best Friend


I Remember!



And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Stray. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.

I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!