Now with this game all of the achievements correlate with completing one of the chapters of the game with the exception of two, but we'll get to that when it comes up. That means the only real way to make an achievement guide with the game that means anything is to walk you through the puzzles of each chapter.
Show Me Your Hint
We'll get "Show Me Your Hint" out of the way first because that's going to be for using the hint button a few times and having to replenish it by building a tea cup. You can use a hint by clicking the dog in the top left of the screen and then clicking hint to see what you're supposed to be doing with the current puzzle.
Let's Begin the Stories
The first chapter is going to get us "Let's Begin the Stories." You'll get the achievement when you get to the end and have to place stickers relating to the story on the pages of the book you're going through.
The first puzzle, and I know most of these aren't really puzzles, is super simple. You just have to move the items around to stack them from biggest to smallest of each type. You can click on the leaves to remove them once that item is on top of its stack, and that's about it for this one.
For the second puzzle you'll need change the clock to 12:30, then essentially just click through the images on the right to get through them.
Then click a bunch to hand the notebook to your grandma. You'll then be clicking through a few screens, all of the question marks in your thought bubble to clear it out, and move on from there.
Now onto the next puzzle, you'll need to click through until the dog shows up and then start unpacking the stuff in front to feed the dog. Then start putting pillows and the blanket on the bed. Once the dog lays on the bed you can unpack the next container which is just putting things on the shelves to the left to finish it off.
The next puzzle will be organizing your suitcase to stack items along with their related items. This is what the final stacks look like.
Then for the next puzzle we actually have another achievement related to it specifically. "Colorful Childhood" is for using all 4 of the crayon colors to draw on your face at least once. Once you finish coloring you'll get the achievement.
You'll click through some more screens until you get to another unpacking scene and you'll need to wash and dry all of the objects from the boxes before putting them on the shelf.
That'll be the last puzzle before you put the stickers from that chapter in the notebook and get the "Let's Begin the Stories" achievement.
The Amazon Forest
Next we'll get "The Amazon Forest" for completing the next chapter of puzzles. Starting out you'll need to open the backpack, then match your grandma's speech bubbles with the background.
Then click through to this chat thing and you'll put the icons in this order.
Once you get to the Aztec temple looking thing you'll just move the trees in the foreground to line up with the walkway.
Then click through until you get to a scene with a bunch of leaves where you just have to match the leaves together in pairs until there's only 5 left.
In the next puzzle you have to click the animals that are hiding. I'll show them all here, but they're not too hard to spot.
The next one will just be pulling a flower and corresponding leaf part together in pairs.
Then have the missing piece of the lily pads facing in towards each other.
Now you'll be at a spot with a bunch of frogs that you don't want to touch, but use the magnifying glass to look at each one until the ribbit and reveal themselves.
Next you'll need to use the wheel on the left to steer the boat and the propellor to push it forward. Navigate down through the river for this puzzle.
You'll then have to turn the totem pieces to all be facing you and make the symbol part the same symbol with the sun.
Then we have some block Tetris stuff which is pretty simple. Just put the blocks where they go... If you're over the age of 1 this should be pretty easy.
Then we have another game of match with the faces on the side of the water fall.
Then we have to mail the bowl and make some hot chocolate.
And finally put our stickers in the journal to finish this chapter and get the achievement.
Yunnan Journey
Now we'll go on to the third chapter and get "Yunnan Journey" at the end. the first puzzle will be a game of match with the lanterns.
You'll then click through for a bit until you get to a tea set where you have to move the outlines of things to overlap where they should be.
The next puzzle will be this cabinet thing. You'll need to change the squares to be the layout shown here which is the same, but mirrored, and then pull the handle to open it.
Now here comes one of the puzzles that mess people up. You have to match the tea leaves with the background. You'll think you found it a few times, but you'll need to go to this specific spot to actually proceed. You don't want to put it on the EXACT match, but on the spot where it kind of completes the leaves.
Then you'll click on through until you get to a field with a bunch of leaves sticking out of bushes. Wait for them to shake and then drag the shaking one to the basket to pick it.
You'll then throw all of the leaves on the drying rack, but on specific shelves of the rack. The smallest go on top, the medium on the middle, and the double leaf ones go on the bottom.
Next, you'll need to organize the bowls in order from lightest shade to the darkest. If it acts weird and doesn't work just take them all off of the spots and put them back up there.
Now we need to dry the leaves and get the bagged up so we'll put them in the three baskets to dry, spin them in the spinning thing, and then throw them in the bag.
Then you'll need to rotate the symbols to have the flat part facing the image inside.
Click through a few times and we have another weird one. You have to make some sushi pyramid things. First you'll throw six rice balls into the triangle thing. Throw the piece of meat in the bowl and pour some soy sauce or something on it. Put it on the rice pyramid. Throw another six rice balls on it. Then you can toss some seaweed on it and some of whatever is in the bowl on the right.
Then put it on the right side on the board and repeat those steps, but using the can of meat and the milk in the bowl.
At that point you can put your stickers in the book and get this achievement.
Love in Orient Express
Now we'll be able to move on to the next chapter to get "Love in Orient Express." The first puzzle will be a macaron organization thing. You'll need to get them placed in the order shown here.
Then we have another organization puzzle.. give the treats to the dog and the macarons to the box.
For the next one you just have to put each thing in a stack with the things that kind of go with it.
For the next one you just have to put each picture in the center and then click on their face to have them turn around in the left picture.
The next puzzle will be just moving the image over to where the background lines up the footprints to where they're missing from the image.
Then once you're in the next puzzle you'll need to basically put the letters in the corner and the books on the shelves in order of their color gradient and patterns.
Click through a few times and then you'll need to place stamps on letters.
Then you need to fit the letters and packages in the box.
Clicking through some more you'll end up sliding people around for a while until you finally get to the next real puzzle which is to organize a bunch of tickets to pair them together in the way shown here.
Then you'll mess with some trains for a little while. It's just making sure they end up meeting each other and then you'll have to connect a bunch of train cars by the symbols and then click on them to keep the story going.
We'll then need to clear some tracks again by dragging things out of the way and the train will go from one side to the other.
Now it's time to make some weird pizza. Basically just put all of the ingredients on the pizza to get rid of the bowls of the ingredients. Then put the stickers where they go and you'll be done with that one!
However at the time of recording this was bugged, but after asking about it in the steam forums the devs said they'd be patching it to fix it and sure enough I was able to replay the chapter to get it.
And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Tell Me Your Story. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.
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I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.
Thanks for reading/watching!