The Callisto Protocol - All Implant Locations

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The Callisto Protocol has one major collectible achievement. "Grim Reaper" is for finding all of the collectible implant locations in the game throughout all eight chapters. There are going to 43 of these and in this guide, we'll go over all of them chapter by chapter.

Chapter 01 - Cargo


In Chapter 1 Cargo we only have one. This will be right as you are able to start moving around. Enter the first room on the left and it’ll be sitting in this locker.

For referencing if you have these implants, you can always go into your menu here into data bios and check if you have those registered.

Chapter 02 - Outbreak


For Chapter 2 we’ll have three implants to grab. Number 2 will be inside of surgery M112 after you go past the patrolling robot you’ll be able to grab this one in this corner near where you grab a fuse.


Number 3 will be after you return to the prison cells, inside of Elias’s cell.


Number 4 is going to be right after the cutscene with Captain Ferris at the end of the chapter. It’ll be sitting here on this table.

Chapter 03 - Aftermath


Then for chapter 3 we’ll have 8 implants to grab. Number 5 will be after the first spitter enemy. You’ll go into this area, and you’ll need to find a guard’s corpse in order to get through a door. Right over here by this broken-down robot you can grab this one.


Once you have that one you can unlock the door to “Laundry B202.” Go through the door to the right here and it will take you to Office B112 where implant 6 will be.


Number 7 is going to be the first of the secret rooms. You’ll go back to the laundry room and this time go down the left side.

Keep going through here until you finally reach this.. Meeting room… I guess? And it’ll be sitting on this table up here.


Number 8 will be after you go back up the ladder and then you can go through Maintenance B414 and then into Medical Ward C101 and this corpse will be here on the floor.


Then number 9 will be a little bit later after you get the GRP glove. You’ll end up going into this room of hanging bodies and this one will be on the ground here.


Number 10 is after you crash down in an elevator. You’ll need to go around this right side and over to where this spinning fan is to find this body.


Number 11 will be after you go across the big gondola and fight these spitters. Then go inside and climb up the to where the fuse switches are to find this corpse.


A while later you’ll end up opening up a prison cell and for number 12 you can get that after you Dani throws you into that cell. Just look right here to pick it up.

Chapter 04 - Habitat


Moving on to chapter 4 we’ll have another 7 implants to grab. Number 13 is going to be after you start going through sludge.

You’ll end up eventually getting to where you can find the door to “Purification B H207” and this one will be right up here on this platform area next to it.


Number 14 will be shortly after the last implant. Just go through the vent opening to the left of the door and in here you’ll have a couple of fuses to move around. Next to one of the switches you’ll find this implant.


For number 15 you’ll eventually come to another fuse swapping room. Do that and go through there to find the option to go past “Water Control H262” and instead go straight through “Storage Hall H239” where this will be on the right side of the room.


Then for number 16 you’ll have to get a code from a guard to get through a door. This one is required for the story so you can’t miss it.


Again, for number 17 this will be from a guard’s code that you have to pick up for the story. You’ll drop out of a vent down here and they’ll be laying here on the ground.

BUT, before you pick that up. Make a save because this area is extremely buggy.

You’ll want to pick this one up and try to make sure you do not die. You can pull up your data bios, go to habitat and see that Bill Pekelo is registered there. You’ll want to double check this if you die and respawn, or if you have any other issues. Plus, before you leave the area just to make sure you actually get it and can continue on.


Now number 18 is still going to be in the glitchy area. Before you use the console to leave you want to head through botanical H264 and squeeze through this gap at the end of the area.

In here you can find this one on this crate. Again, you’ll want to double check that you have both this one and number 17 before heading back to the console and leaving the area. If you die, you’ll likely lose them and have to reload a save back to before you picked the first one up. There’s also a chance that you’ll have it glitch for number 18 where it just disappears like it did for me, so if that happens, you’ll of course need to reload.

Once you have triple checked that both number 17 and number 18 are registered under habitat, we can use the console to continue on.


Number 19 will be a bit later once you get to this utility hatch area, but before going down you’ll want to head over to the left side of this building, go through a door, and this one will be down here.

Chapter 05 - LOST


Now we can go on to Chapter 5 where we’ll have another 8 implants. Number 20 is going to be after the scene with Elias and Dani out in the snow.

You’ll be able to go through a gate, and then go straight to the small building straight ahead to find this one on a shelf.


Number 21 will be another automatic one. You’ll go through a big fight out in the snow and eventually doors will open where you can go in to find this corpse and grab his implant.


Number 22 is going to be after you crawl through some debris in the tunnels. Once you have the option to either go left or right, you’ll go left to find this one.


Number 23 will be after a cutscene with Dani where she gives you the riot gun and you’ll go upstairs to grab this one from behind a table.


Number 24 is a while later on in the power station. You’ll have a corpse stuck in this spinning blade thing and you can pick this one up from them.


Number 25 is going to be after you head out with Dani over to your crashed spaceship. In here go through the second room on your left to grab this one.


Then number 26 will be after you leave that area and squeeze through a door with Dani. Go over to the right inside of this vehicle for this one.


Number 27 is going to be in the room you go into with Dani with many half functioning robots. Go over to the right side to find this one sitting here.

Chapter 06 - Below


Moving on to Chapter 6 we have only 5 implants to grab. Number 28 will be after you free yourself from hanging upside down. Just go down the path until you get here and it’ll be sitting on this table.


Number 29 will be a while later on. You’ll end up coming into this room with a snake enemy and then 5 regular blind ones. After you kill all of them you can go through to this left side to grab this implant.


Number 30 is going to be after you use the keycard to enter the power tunnels. At the first split don’t go downhill, but go the other way to find this one.


Number 31 will be the second secret room and fairly hard to find. After you have a spitter and some enemies crawling on the ground you’ll go through a gap and then up a ladder. After the ladder, straight ahead you can squeeze between some rocks.

Go through there instead of going to the power reactor and then keep going through the path. On the video version of the guide, I have a sped-up version of the path so you can see how to navigate it if needed. Down here you’ll get this implant off of this table.


Number 32 will be after your first encounter with the two head enemy. Go down off the platform once it stops and you can grab this one from this corpse.

Chapter 07 - Colony


Now we’ll move on to Chapter 7 where we have another 7 implants. Number 33 will be at the beginning of this chapter right here.


Then number 34 will be after a scene with Dani on the radio asking you to meet her at the tower. Just go into this next room here and it’ll be sitting on the shelf.


Number 35 is going to be after climbing up this ladder after the blind enemies. Just go into the first door on the right that shows to be unlocked to find this one.


Number 36 will be after going up the elevator. It’s right here in front of you as you come out of it.


Number 37 will be right after the last one. You’ll go up to the rooftops and then go into the first house on the right to find this one where you also get the gate fuse.


Number 38 is going to be after using the fuse to open the gate. You’ll find this one near the crafting station here.


Then number 39 will be wayyy later on after you fight Captain Ferris for a bit. You’ll end up going with Dani and after you get off of the platform this one will be on a box to the right.

Chapter 08 - Tower


Moving on to the last chapter, chapter 8 we have the final 4 implants. Number 40 is after you kill another two head in a server room you’ll open a fuse door and then go to the left to find this one at the end of the hallway.


Number 41 will be in the psych ward a bit later. After you crawl through a vent to grab a fuse you’ll have to go to these blocked stairs where you can find this one.


Number 42 will be after ANOTHER two head fight. You’ll end up finally going on to the area where Dr. Mahler is and once you go through here you’ll go to the right to grab this one. The “Grim Reaper” achievement should actually pop up here, but we do technically have one more implant to grab.

IMPLANT 43 (Not Needed)

After you go up the elevator with Dani you can go over here to this area and grab number 43 from on the side.

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The Callisto Protocol


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