Heavy Rain - 100% Achievement Guide (PART 2)

Guide Last Updated:

This is a guide for getting all of the achievements in the game Heavy Rain. I have also made a video guide to go along with this or to use as a standalone resource. This guide is split into 3 parts, this is part 2.

Butcher (Trail Master Part 3)


Chapter - The Lizard

For this achievement you'll need to complete the lizard trial by cutting your finger using the saw or scissors and NOT cauterizing or disinfecting it.

Trial Master

This will also take care of the first part the Trial Master achievement.

Gold Finger (Trial Master Part 3)

Gold Finger

Chapter - The Lizard

For this achievement you'll need to cut off your finger using the axe, the knife, or the pliers and then disinfect or cauterize it.

Trial Master

This will also take care of the first part the Trial Master achievement.



Chapter - Fugitive

For this achievement you'll need to escape Blake in the subway station. Just move between the cars, go down into the subway, and do the same down there until you're able to go across the tracks and jump into a subway car.

Ludwig Von

Ludwig Von

Chapter - Jayden Blues

For this achievement you'll need to play the piano without hitting a wrong note. Just be sure to get all of the quick time events correct and you'll be good.



Chapter - Jayden Blues

For this achievement you'll need to resist taking triptocaine. This will only be available if Ethan escaped Blake in the Fugitive chapter.

After you get these two achievements reload back to the Fugitive chapter and choose to save progress.

Hands Up!

Hands Up!

Chapter - Fugitive

For this achievement you'll need to get arrested by Blake. Basically just get out of the window and then stand there waiting for them to catch you instead of running.

Wise Guy

Wise Guy

Chapter - Under Arrest

For this achievement you'll need to switch off the camera in the surveillance room before saving Ethan. Just go into the next room over, turn off the camera, grab the jacket, and then save Ethan.

(Perfect Crime Part 2)

Perfect Crime

Chapter - Manfred

For the second part of the Perfect Crime achievement you'll need to completely clean your fingerprints from Manfred's shop. If you don't touch anything that's optional and you go as quickly as possible you'll only have the minimum amount of things to clean. This list is below.

The white phone in the back.

The black phone.

The two shot glasses.

The bottle.

The magnifying glass.

The ballerina on the glass case.

The front door.

I'm not a killer.

I'm not a killer.

Chapter - The Shark

For this achievement you'll need to NOT kill the Drug Dealer. Once you get to the end of the chapter and have the gun pointed at his head just choose not to shoot him.

Then once you get the achievement for this you'll need to reload the chapter and choose to save.

I'm a killer. (Trial Master Part 4)

I'm a killer.

Chapter - The Shark

For this achievement you'll need to kill the Drug Dealer. Once you get to the end of the chapter and have the gun pointed at his head just choose to pull the trigger.

Trial Master

Doing this will also take care of part 4 of the Trial Master achievement.

Smart Girl

Smart Girl

Chapter - The Doc

For this achievement you'll need to be sure not to drink the Doc's beverage. He'll offer you a drink multiple times, but just always say no to it.

Queen of Ropes

Queen of Ropes

Chapter - The Doc

For this achievement you'll need to escape before the Doc returns. As soon as he leaves to go answer the door, you'll need to untie your leg and get through the quick time events before he gets back. Then fight him and win.

Four Heroes

This will also take care of the first part of the Four Heroes achievement for having four characters alive when you complete the story.

(Nerd Part 2)


Chapter - Mad Jack

For the second part of the Nerd achievement you'll need to find all of the clues in the chapter Mad Jack. All of the clues are listed below.

Three sets of blood trails leading to the acid bath.

The Mugs in Mad Jack's office.

Size 10 footprints.

The tire tracks that match the Origami Killer's.

A pollen trail in the back of the shop.

Spilled blue paint.

The acid bath itself.

Goodbye Mad Jack

Chapter - Mad Jack

For this achievement you'll need to survive the fights against Mad Jack. You'll need to successfully get through most of the quick time events, select the "Impress" dialogue option, and do not take triptocaine when given the choice.


This will also take care of the second part needed for the Four Heroes achievement.

The Chef

Chapter - Eureka

For this achievement you'll need to prepare a good omelette on time. When Lauren goes to take a shower you'll need to go make the omelette without making any mistakes or stopping early.

I'm not scared

Chapter - Twins

For this achievement you'll need to follow your brother without making any mistakes. This is a pretty long one so you may not get it on the first try. Go ahead and fully play through it so you'll see all of the areas and then go back through to successfully complete all of quick time events.

Pride Saved

Chapter - Sexy Girl

For this achievement you'll need to only take off one item of clothing during the strip-tease. So when you're stripping for Paco only unbutton your shirt before reaching for the lamp and hitting Paco.

(Nerd Part 3)


Chapter - Fish Tank

For the third part of the Nerd achievement you'll need to find all of the clues in the chapter. All of the clues here are listed below. In order to do this you'll need to survive the fight with the Origami killer and rip his pocket so that his gas receipts fall to the floor. This will also take care of the third part of preparing for the Four Heroes achievement.

Four Heroes

The gas receipts that fell out of his coat.

The scattered papers behind the table.

The bullet shells near the door.

The gun in the corner.

Paco's Body.

The Orchid pollen near the desk.

The gun in the center of the room.

The lamp that Madison used previously.

Lover Boy

Lover Boy

Chapter - On the Loose

For this achievement you'll need to forgive Madison. Kiss Madison when given the option, and then choose to forgive her when you find out that she's a journalist.

Escape Master

Escape Master

Chapter - On the Loose

For this achievement you'll need to escape the police at the motel. When you switch to Madison and see the police raid coming, you'll need to call room 207 to warn Ethan. Then you'll switch back to Ethan and climb to the roof to escape the raid.

(Perfect Crime Part 3)

Perfect Crime

Chapter - Trapped

For the fourth part of the Perfect Crime achievement you'll have to allow Lauren to die in the car. When escaping the car you'll need to free yourself, and then bust out the window to escape without interacting with Lauren in any way.

Invincible Scott

Invincible Scott

Chapter - Face to Face

For this achievement you'll need to not get shot in Kramer's Villa. Basically just don't miss any of the quick time events as you're going through the villa and you'll get the achievement.

(Perfect Crime Part 4)

Perfect Crime

Chapter - Face to Face

For the fourth part of the Perfect Crime achievement you'll need to allow Kramer to die. When he starts having a heart attack and asks you to get his medicine for him, you'll need to go straight to the door and walk away.

Sacrifice (Trial Master Final Part)


Chapter - The Rat

For this achievement you'll need to drink the poison. Very self explanatory.

Trial Master

It will also take care of the final part of the Trial Master achievement.

Once you get these two you'll need to reload the chapter and choose to save.

Clever Dad

Clever Dad

Chapter - The Rat

For this achievement you'll need to figure out where Shaun is being held. You'll need to choose not to drink the poison and then be sure to choose 852 Theodore Roosevelt Road for the GPS. This achievement will unlock as we get into the last chapter later on.