Heavy Rain - 100% Achievement Guide (PART 3)

Guide Last Updated:

This is a guide for getting all of the achievements in the game Heavy Rain. I have also made a video guide to go along with this or to use as a standalone resource. This guide is split into 3 parts, this is part 3.

(Nerd Final Part)


Chapter - Solving the Puzzle

For the final part of the Nerd achievement you'll need to go through all of the clues to determine who the killer is. The list of the clues you have to go through are below. You will also need to make sure NOT to accuse Blake as he is not the killer. This is required for the fourth part of the Four Heroes achievement.

Four Heroes

Analyze the fish tank video, and then analyze the killer's watch on that.

Geoanalyze the gas receipts.

Analyze the killer's gun.

Geoanalyze "The Killer Is A Cop."

(Perfect Crime Part 5)

Perfect Crime

Chapter - Killer's Place

For the fifth part of the Perfect Crime achievement you'll need to let Madison die. Once you escape the room and are going through the fire just jump out of the window.

Simple Mind (Perfect Crime Final Part)

Simple Mind

Chapter - The Old Warehouse

For this achievement you'll need to save the Origami Killer before he falls. While fighting Scott as Norman you'll eventually have him hanging onto the conveyor belt. Choose to save him, and then do not do any quick time events so that Scott will kill him.

Perfect Crime

This is also the final part needed for the Perfect Crime achievement. As long as you cleaned Manfred's shop of evidence, let Hassan die, Lauren die, Kramer die, killed Madison, and killed Norman.

Saved the Kid

Saved the Kid

Chapter - The Old Warehouse

For this achievement you'll need to save Shaun. Very self explanatory here as well.

Heavy Rain Hero (All Endings Part 1)


Chapter - The Old Warehouse

For this achievement you'll need to finish the game Heavy Rain.

Once you get to the part where it's playing through the different endings you'll need to let all of them play through until the end. You can only exit to the menu once you get to the part where it rolls the credits. This will make sure the endings actually unlock as that is needed for the All Endings achievement.

All Endings

Playing through the game like we have up to this point will unlock 5 out of the 18 endings in the game listed below.

News Report
A New Start
Dead Heroine

We will now begin the process of loading back previous chapters to knock out the rest of the endings. Be sure to choose to save progress when reloading these chapters.

Cold as Ice

** We'll now reload to the chapter Killer's Place and choose to save progress. **

Cold as Ice

Chapter - Killer's Place

For this achievement you'll need to enter in the correct password on the laptop (Max) and survive the explosion by hiding in the fridge.

Four Heroes

This will take care of the fifth part of the Four Heroes achievement.

Four Heroes (All Endings Part 2)

Four Heroes

Chapter - The Old Warehouse

For this sixth part of the Four Heroes achievement you'll need to have Madison escape the police to warn Ethan, Norman will need to kill Scott, and Ethan will need to save Shaun.

All Endings

Be sure to allow all of the endings from this to play until you get to the credits sequence. That will then unlock the endings below.

A New Life
Origami's Grave
Case Closed

So Close (All Endings Part 3)

** We'll now reload to the chapter The Old Warehouse and choose to save progress. **

So Close

Chapter - The Old Warehouse

For this achievement you'll need to reach then end with all characters and then fail. So basically you'll need to do nothing as Norman so he'll die, do nothing as Madison so she'll be arrested, and then Ethan will be shot by the police since he wasn't warned.

All Endings

Be sure to allow all of the endings from this to play until you get to the credits sequence. That will then unlock the endings below.

Ethan's Grave

(All Endings Part 4)

** We'll now reload to the chapter The Rat and choose to save progress. **

Chapter - The Rat

On this chapter choose not to drink the poison and choose either the "Lane" or "Park" address, but DO NOT pick the "Road" option.

Chapter - Solving the Puzzle

Immediately close ARI and give up.

Chapter - Killer's Place

Let Madison die by jumping out of the window.

All Endings

Be sure to allow all of the endings from this to play until you get to the credits sequence. That will then unlock the endings below.

Origami Blues
Smoking Mirror

(All Endings Part 5)

** We'll now reload to the chapter Killer's Place and choose to save progress. **

Chapter - Killer's Place

You'll need get the password wrong enough times to lock you out of the computer and then successfully escape by hiding in the fridge. So Madison will escape, but without the address to find Shaun.

All Endings

Be sure to allow all of the endings from this to play until you get to the credits sequence. That will then unlock the ending below.

Tears In The Rain


** We'll now reload to the chapter On the Loose and choose to save progress. **


Chapter - On the Loose

This achievement is for not forgiving Madison. You'll need to kiss her early on in the chapter, and then choose not to forgive her when you find out that she's a journalist.

Then let the police arrest Ethan.

Swimming Instructor

Swimming Instructor

Chapter - Trapped

For this achievement you'll need to save Lauren when underwater. Once you untie yourself you'll need to interact with her before breaking the window to escape.

Kind Hearted (All Endings Part 6)

Kind Hearted

Chapter - Face to Face

For this achievement you'll need to give Kramer his medicine. Once Kramer has his heart attack you'll need to go over to the drawer to grab the pills and give them to him.

Chapter - Solving the Puzzle

Immediately give up and close out of ARI.

Chapter - Killer's Place

You'll need to escape with Madison, but without the correct address again.

All Endings

Be sure to allow all of the endings from this to play until you get to the credits sequence. That will then unlock the ending below.

Square One
A Mother's Revenge

(All Endings Final Part)

** We'll now reload to the chapter Killer's Place and choose to save progress. **

Chapter - Killer's Place

You'll need to find the correct address by entering in the "Max" password and escape as Madison.

Chapter - The Old Warehouse

On this chapter you'll need to save Shaun as Madison and survive the fight with Scott.

All Endings

Be sure to allow all of the endings from this to play until you get to the credits sequence. That will then unlock the ending below and will finish up the All Endings achievement.


The list for ALL of the endings is below.

News Report
A New Start
Dead Heroine
A New Life
Origami's Grave
Case Closed
Ethan's Grave
Origami Blues
Smoking Mirror
Tears In The Rain
Square One
A Mother's Revenge

And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Heavy Rain. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop some feedback down below.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.

I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!