Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Drowned Abyss Lucky Dice Locations

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In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands you need to find lucky dice on each of the maps to increase your luck stat for many reasons including getting 3000 luck for the Luck Amok achievement. So, in this guide we'll be going over all of the locations of these dice on the Drowned Abyss map.

Required Missions

Some dice are behind areas that are only opened after you do certain missions, or during certain missions. The two missions required for this map will be:

Mortal Coil
Diplomatic Relations

Lucky Die 1

Upon entering the map, proceed straight down the path where you will find the die next to a large piece of orange coral.

Lucky Die 2

Further down the main path, this die is located by Ksara. From her position, head towards the door to the left and find the die behind a fallen column.

Lucky Die 3

In the Scuttle Buttresses, enter the cavern and then the cave on the right. Past the acid trap on the ceiling, the die is located here.

Lucky Die 4

Also in the Scuttle Buttresses, navigate until you find a large anchor. Climb the wall towards the third shrine for the main Mortal Coil quest and head towards the shipwreck on the side of the mountain. Follow the yellow paint to climb up to the die.

Lucky Die 5

During the "Mortal Coil" mission, when you reach a shipwreck, enter inside to find the die.

Lucky Die 6

Also requires the "Mortal Coil" mission. Enter Dry'l's Gallery, drop down to a hovering island in the lava where the die is located.

Lucky Die 7

Another "Mortal Coil" mission item. In the Temple of Sacrifice, find this die near a broken pillar.

Lucky Die 8

In the Seapulchre, head right towards the purple launcher. This will catapult you towards a ledge where the die is near a large piece of coral.

Lucky Die 9

Also in the Seapulchre, go past the earlier mentioned purple launcher and towards a boat with a broken mast. Shoot down the anchor to find the die below the floorboards where the anchor broke through.

Lucky Die 10

In the Scuttle Buttresses, use the purple launcher on the right. Once you land, go straight and look to the right to find the die near a waterfall.

Lucky Die 11

Upon entering the Drowned Abyss, follow the path until you find an area on the left. Melee the bramble barrier to reveal the die.

Lucky Die 12

In Dud's Thuds near the large magic missile, go northeast across a stone bridge, then north to find a large sunken ship. Climb up the left side to reach the die at the top.

Lucky Die 13

Requires the "Diplomatic Relations" side quest. Enter the Once Wet area and go southwest. Melee the bramble barrier on your right to find the die.

Lucky Die 14

Near the magic missile in Dud's Thuds, go northeast to the ruins and use the purple launcher. The die is located behind the large red coral.

Lucky Die 15

In the Temple of Slithersong, look towards the ruins. Use the second entrance from the Untrodden Depths, descend the steps, and turn right to find the die behind a pillar.

Lucky Die 16

In the Temple of Sacrifice, go left up the stairs and to the right of the doorway to find the die behind a broken pillar.

Lucky Die 17

Near the ancient obelisk, travel northwest through the water path. Look to the left to find the die.

Lucky Die 18

Northwest of Dry'l's Gallery, find a cave entrance blocked by brambles. Melee the brambles and the die is inside at the end of the cave.

Lucky Die 19

Head north through the Temple of Sacrifice and continue to the ledge. Look to the right to find the die in the corner.

Lucky Die 20

From the vending machines in the Seapulchre, head south to the shipwreck above. Use the purple launcher to reach the wreck and navigate around to the ship's balcony where the die is located.

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