Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Mount Craw Lucky Dice Locations

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In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands you need to find lucky dice on each of the maps to increase your luck stat for many reasons including getting 3000 luck for the Luck Amok achievement. So, in this guide we'll be going over all of the locations of these dice on the Mount Craw map.

Required Missions

Some dice are behind areas that are only opened after you do certain missions, or during certain missions. The four missions required for this map will be:

Golbins Tired of Forced Oppression
Non-Violent Offender
The Slayer of Vorcanar

Lucky Die 1

At Mount Craw, travel through Stareagog Point, cross a river, then head to the left to find the die.

Lucky Die 2

Requires the "Goblins Tired of Forced Oppression" quest. As you handle the propaganda posters, go up and over a bridge to locate the die.

Lucky Die 3

Near Shimmering Lake, find this die on the balcony of a two-story house.

Lucky Die 4

In the Shimmering Loch area, go up the hill to a house and descend the stairs inside to find the die.

Lucky Die 5

At the end of Shimmering Loch, enter the ice cavern and immediately turn left to see the die.

Lucky Die 6

Requires the "Forgery" side quest. After speaking to Claptrap to unlock the gate, go left and climb a ladder to retrieve the die.

Lucky Die 7

Also requires the "Forgery" side quest. In the quarry, follow the mine tracks right, and at the tunnel's end, the die is on the right side.

Lucky Die 8

In Shimmering Loch, ascend the slope left, cross a bridge, enter Baaldaar's lair, turn right, and find the die on a pier.

Lucky Die 9

Around Baaldaar's lair’s main tower, the die is in a small shed by the mountain.

Lucky Die 10

Requires the "Non-Violent Offender" quest. In the Cave of Dave, find the die atop a stone column to the left.

Lucky Die 11

Also needs the "Non-Violent Offender" quest. In the Cave of Dave, follow a path marked with yellow paint on rocks, jump across, and find the die at the path's end.

Lucky Die 12

In Furious Gorge, cross the bridge and locate the die in a house on the right.

Lucky Die 13

Near the last, go right, up a ramp, through a tunnel, to a goblin hut where the die is located.

Lucky Die 14

Close by, ascend scaffolding steps, cross a bridge, follow a path marked yellow, jump down right, and continue to the die.

Lucky Die 15

Jump down from the fourteenth, take the same path, but run straight, jump off to the die.

Lucky Die 16

Requires starting "The Slayer of Vorcanar." After crossing a large bridge, enter a cavern with small goblin huts; the die is in the right one.

Lucky Die 17

Also needs "The Slayer of Vorcanar" quest. After the big bridge, follow train tracks, climb platforms up a tower to find the die.

Lucky Die 18

Again needs "The Slayer of Vorcanar." Cross the bridge, climb a ladder, follow the path, jump left to a platform, continue across bridges, exit towards Shimmering Loch, drop down to a balcony of a house to find the die.

Lucky Die 19

Requires "The Slayer of Vorcanar." In Tribute Way, ascend a ramp left to a goblin hut; the die is next to it.

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