Fran Bow - 100% Achievement/Trophy Guide

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In this guide we go over what you have to do for every one of the achievements in Fran Bow. There are 18 of them in the game and it's pretty short, so it won't take long to 100% the game.

Achievement Stats

Number of Achievements - 18
True Steam Achievements Score - 222

SteamHunters Score - 1,769

Exophase Score - 1,943

Average Completion Time - 12h 17m
Average Completion Percentage - 69.52%

There will be some spoilers just by the nature of the achievements in the game, so if you don't want spoilers, you'll need to go play the game on your own first, and then come back here.

If you'd like a full walkthrough of each chapter, we're putting together some full chapter walkthroughs that include the achievements. I'll be linking them here, and in the related guides section at the bottom of the page.

Fran Bow Chapter 1 100% Walkthrough

Fran Bow Chapter 2 100% Walkthrough

Fran Bow Chapter 3 100% Walkthrough

Fran Bow Chapter 4 100% Walkthrough

Fran Bow Chapter 5 100% Walkthrough

Chapter 1

Sleeping Princess

In the first chapter, the first achievement you'll be able to get is "Sleeping Princess" for making the guard fall asleep.

In order to do this, you'll need to progress through the asylum until you reach the room with a table of food and drinks. Click on the cinnamon buns to grab one of those.

Then move to the left room from there to see Annie who will then move over to the room with the food table. Speak to her and avoid any options that would end the conversation. She'll then give you a sleeping pill. Combine those two items and we'll have the magical cake needed to make the guard fall asleep.

Go back over to the guard desk and if it doesn't let you use the cake on his desk, or him, then you'll need to use the grab-o-matic to try to grab the key, the guard will take it, and then you can use the cake on him. When the dialogue with the cake starts, you'll want to be sure to pick the choices "A cake! Eat it!", "You'll regret it!", and then "Fresh from the oven!" Somehow that convinces him to eat it and he'll fall asleep allowing you to get the key and the achievement.

I found my way out

Proceed through the rest of the first chapter and then we can get "I found my way out" for completing the maze mini game.

You get the option to skip this, but you'll need to make sure you complete it for this achievement to pop. Your goal is to make it to the end of the maze without being caught by any of the ghosts. They have set paths that they repeat so it's not too hard, just know that you'll need to go up, to the right, and then all the way over to the left to find the exit.

Chapter 2

It Tasted Fabulous

In chapter 2 the first achievement won't be until after you're in the twin's house. "It tasted fabulous" is for eating a cupcake.

In the second room you'll find a table with plenty of sweet treats. Click on the cupcakes a few times and you'll end up taking one to eat and the achievement will pop.

I Burn You

While going through trying to do the ritual, you'll make some trips over to the ultra-reality. For "I burn you!" you'll need to come here after grabbing a board.

Then come up to the rope and rather than cutting it like you may be naturally drawn, you'll need to use your matches to burn the rope.

Hello Dolly

Next, we can get "Hello Dolly" for finding the doll in the attic.

After you've done the ritual and can head back up to the attic to free Mr. Midnight, you'll want to take a look at the stroller. You'll find the... thing... that was there before has been replaced by a doll.

Find Mr. Midnight

Then after a few more puzzles to unlock a couple of locks you'll be able to get "Find Mr. Midnight" for freeing him.

This is story related so you can't miss it. A lot of these achievements are, but this one doesn't have anything crazy, or anything that would make it missable.

Toad on Board

Now the last achievement for this chapter is "Toad on board" for completing the mini game that acts as the bridge to the next chapter. Again, you get an option to skip it, but you have to actually complete it for the achievement to pop.

Chapter 3

Faster Than a Snail

Once in chapter 3 you have a little bit of time before you'll be able to get the first achievement here. "Faster than a snail" is for defeating the snail five times in the tic-tac-toe mini game.

He'll be all the way to the left in the shopping area. Just sit with him to play tic-tac-toe, beat him 5 times, and you'll get the achievement.

Dr. Love

Next will be "Dr. Love" for reuniting the divorced couple.

You'll be able to start his once you talk to Kotrem the mountain. He'll talk about his ex wife that used to sit on his head and that she went to her own island.

Go down to the foot of the mountain where the bar is, switch to fall, and you'll see a red flower. Grab that and head over to the left, but not down and the left, but up and to the left.

You'll see a rowboat that you can jump on and ride as long as it's summer. Go out to the island that has turned into the top of a mountain and give it the flower.

This will convince the ex-wife to return to her husband and then you can go meet them at the top of the mountain to get this achievement.

The Kind Thief

A bit later we'll need to go get dancing shoes for the wizard. While doing this we can get "The kind thief" for returning the pink ticket to the wasp.

You'll have to go to the back of the bar to send Mr. Midnight through a hole in the back, he can get the pink ticket from the drunk wasp on the right side of the room and bring it back out to Fran.

Fran can then use that to start a series of events to eventually get into the bar, and then you can give the ticket back to the wasp for the achievement.

A Troll... Run!

Now at the end of the chapter once you do the mini game that acts as a transition between chapters you'll get "A troll... Run!" for beating the troll mini game.

Just like the other mini games you'll want to make sure you actually complete it for the achievement rather than skipping it.

Chapter 4

Oops! We Crashed the Game

Moving into chapter 4 we have a few things to do before we'll be on Itward's ship. "Oops! we crashed the game" is for crashing the little video game on the ship.

So, once there we can play the game on the computer near the front.

It's basically space invaders, but you'll need to win 3 rounds and then click on the winner's screen to start the boss fight. Beat that and you'll get the achievement for crashing the game. But the game within the game. Not your actual game. Don't crash Fran Bow. That's not what we want.


As you go to the engine room to get the fuel running correctly, we can get "Check" for checking off the AFM part of the checklist on the wall.

You may not be able to do this until after you've dropped some of the berries into the correct beaker.

Feeding the Robot Rabbit

A bit later on Itward will lead you to a previously locked room with a rabbit and lock you in there. Then "Feeding the robot rabbit" is for giving the robot rabbit three carrots.

You'll have to be in the ultra-reality for this, and then can pick up the carrots from the bottom left of the room and give them to the robot. After the third one is eaten the achievement will pop.


You'll have quite a bit happen before the next achievement, but once you are driven to the graveyard you'll be taken to your family's grave. "Memorial" is for lighting the candles that are on the graves of your parents. Just take your matches and you can light them. Nothing too complicated here.

Chapter 5

This is Electroman

This chapter is pretty long with plenty of puzzles to complete. None of them are tied to achievements though, until you get to the very end of the game. "This is electroman" is for electrocuting the doctor three times.

You'll eventually reach a room where Dr. Deern is tied to an electric chair, and you'll need to pull the lever on the wall until you shock him three times for this achievement.

The Old Story

Then in this same room we can get "The old story" for finding a picture of an old story we've gotten pieces of throughout the game. You'll need to click on the door to close it and this picture will be sitting behind it. Just pick it up and you'll get the achievement.

The End

Now for the last achievement we can pick up the syringe from the table and inject Dr. Deern with it to wake him up. This will trigger the last set of cutscenes of the game and get us "The end" for finishing the game.

And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Fran Bow.

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I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!