Hogwarts Legacy - All Demiguise Locations

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In Hogwarts Legacy one of the many types of collectibles in the game are the Demiguise Statues. There are 30 of these across the map which are needed for the "Demiguise Dread" achievement, as well as to unlock different levels of the Alohomora spell.

The Caretaker's Lunar Lament

In order to start collecting these in the first place, you'll need to start the side quest "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament." This is given to you by Gladwin Moon, and he'll teach you the first level of Alohomora. As you collect these, you'll want to return to him to get the second and third levels of Alohomora unlocked to access some of the later Demiguise.

He'll also show you that these creepy little statues will only allow you to collect them at night. So, if you happen to come up to one during the daytime, you'll need to pull up your map and hit the wait button in order to change the time of day.

Hogwarts Castle Demiguise Locations (1-10)

1 - Professor Fig's Classroom

You'll fast travel to Professor Fig's Classroom and go into the door ahead. Go up the stairs straight ahead to Professor Fig's office and you'll find this one in the back of his office.

2 - Transfiguration Classroom

You'll fast travel to the Transfiguration Classroom and turn around to go through the doors to the left. Go forward and go down the stairs on the right. Go through the door and continue downstairs until you reach the big dragon statue. Turn to the right and go down that hallway until you find the level 1 locked door on your left. Go inside there and the demiguise will be on your right.

3 - Hogwarts North Exit

This one will be near the hogwarts north exit in the bell tower wing. Teleport there and turn around, then turn left as soon as you get into the castle walls and walk down here to this door with a level one lock to the right of the stairs. Unlock that and this statue will be sitting inside to the right.

4 - Divination Classroom

This one will be near the divination classroom in the library annex. Teleport there and proceed up the stairs and climb up the ladder that falls down. This statue will be over here on the desk.

5 - Library

This one will be near the library in the library annex. Teleport there, turn around, and go towards the restricted section area. Go down through all the rooms of the restricted section and near the end you’ll find this statue on your left.

6 - The Great Hall

This one will be near the great hall in the great hall area. Teleport there and go forward to the level one locked door on your right. Unlock that and you’ll find this statue here.

7 - Faculty Tower

This one will be near the faculty tower in the south wing. Teleport there and go straight ahead and proceed down the stairs to the bottom. Go through the hallway filled with paintings and go down these stairs on the right. Turn left and walk down the hallway until you find a door on the left with a level one locked door. Unlock that and go through the middle stall to find this statue.

8 - Transfiguration Courtyard

This one will be near the transfiguration courtyard in the astronomy wing. Teleport there and then turn around and enter the doors to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. Go right up the small set of stairs and find the door with a level two lock and two talking gargoyles on both sides of it. Open that lock and this statue will be inside.

9 - Beasts Classroom

This one will be near the Beasts classroom in the bell tower wing. Teleport there and turn around to go through this door with a level 2 lock. Unlock it and the statue will be here.

10 - Potions Classroom

This one will be near the potion's classroom of the library annex. Teleport there and go into the doors in front of you. Go down the staircase on your left and go through this hallway until you find a door on your left with a level one lock. Go through there and then go down that hallway until you find a door with a level two lock on your left. Unlock that and you can grab the statue from inside.

Hogsmeade Demiguise Locations (11-19)

11 - Tomes & Scrolls

This one will be over in Hogsmeade. Teleport over there and head into Tomes and Scrolls. Go past the merchant and into this room behind him to the left and this statue will be on the dresser.

12 - Hog's Head

This one will be over at Hogs Head. Go over there and then go inside. Go into the room on the right side and you’ll find this statue on top of some crates.

13 - Tomes & Scrolls

This one will be where we go back out to Hogsmeade. Start at Tomes and scrolls and come out here to this alleyway where you’ll find this house with a level 2 lock. Unlock that and go upstairs to find this statue in the room on the left.

14 - J Pippin's Potions

This one is going to be near J Pippin’s potions. Start from there and go to the house to the right of it. Unlock the level 2 lock on the door and go upstairs to find this statue on the dresser.

15 - The Three Broomsticks

This one will be in the Three Broomsticks. Starting from the entrance you’ll head inside, go up all of the stairs all the way to the top until you reach this level 1 locked door. Unlock that and this statue will be sitting on this table.

16 - The Three Broomsticks

This one is going to be near the three broomsticks. Starting from the entrance of that you’ll go over here to this house nearby and unlock its level 1 locked door. Then go upstairs to grab this statue from this box.

17 - Gladrags Wizardwear

This one is going to be near Gladrags Wizardwear. From the outside of that you’ll just go to the right of that into Dervish and Banges. Head inside and this statue will be sitting on their counter.

18 - Brood and Peck

This one will be near Brood and Peck. Starting from the entrance to that shop you’ll want to go to the house across from there and unlock this level one locked door. Then you’ll see the statue sitting above the fireplace.

19 - Honeydukes

This one will be near Honeydukes. Starting from the entrance you’ll need to run all the way around to the back of the shop and go to this house sitting back here. Go inside and this statue will be sitting on this table.

The Highlands Demiguise Locations (20-30)

20 - Pitt-Upon-Ford

This one will be near the pitt upon ford in the north ford bog. Teleport there and go down the path leading south until you get to this 3-story house on your right. Go in there and all the way upstairs to find this statue on the floor.

21 - Upper Hogsfield

This one will be near upper hogsfield in the hogsmeade valley. Teleport there and follow the path north that comes up to this house with a wheel beside the door. Unlock the level 1 lock and go in to find this statue sitting here.

22 - Aranshire

This one will be near Aranshire over in the south hogwarts region. Teleport there and then go to the house closest to the floo flame. Unlock the level one lock on the door, head inside, and this statue will be upstairs.

23 - Lower Hogsfield

This one will be near lower hogsfield also in the south hogwarts region. Teleport there and then go into the house with the somewhat rounded roof that’ll have a level one lock. This statue will be right behind the door.

24 - Brocburrow

This one is going to be near Brocburrow in Hogwarts Valley. Teleport there and then go to the center of the town where there is a well and the market. Go northwest and up to the house on the right that has a level one lock. This statue will be inside and over to the left.

25 - Keenbridge

This one will be near Keenbridge in Hogwarts Valley. Teleport over there and go down the path that heads west out of town to this house with a pumpkin patch around it. Unlock the level one lock and then this statue will be right here inside.

26 - Feldcroft

This one will be near Feldcroft in the feldcroft region. Teleport there and go to the east side of town where you’ll find this house with a clothesline. Go in there and this statue will be to the left sitting on the windowsill.

27 - Irondale

This one will be near Irondale in the feldcroft region. Teleport there and you’ll go to this house with a more triangular roof style. Go inside of it and then behind this counter on your right to find this statue.

28 - Marunweem

This one will be over near Marunweem in the marunweem lake region. Teleport there and then head north. Then take your first right and once you come up to a building on your left, you’ll go up there to unlock the level one lock on the door and this statue will be inside behind the counter.

29 - Bainburgh

This one will be near Bainburgh in Manor Cape. Teleport there and while looking the direction it starts you at turn left and head towards this house on your left. Unlock the door with a level one lock and the statue will be inside.

30 - Cragcroft

This one is going to be near Cragcroft in Cragcroftshire. Teleport there and go to the center of town where a large tree will be. Continue going northwest towards this house. Go inside and upstairs to find this statue up here.

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