Alan Wake - All Coffee Thermos Locations

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This week we'll be going over all of the Coffee Thermos collectibles in Alan Wake for the Damn Good Cup of Coffee and Hyper-caffeinated achievements. There are 100 of these throughout the game, and we'll go through them all episode by episode. It's going to be a long one.

Episode 1 - 1-14

Coffee Thermos 1/100

The first thermos is when you're first able to move. You'll run down the road until you get to the broken bridge to grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 2/100

The second one will be during this tutorial area when you end up grabbing some flares from an emergency box and then before dropping down a ledge, you'll want to go to the right into the little concrete structure. This one will be sitting on a box.

Coffee Thermos 3/100

The third thermos is on the path to the lighthouse. You'll be running from a tornado and then on a bench to the right of the lighthouse you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 4/100

The fourth thermos will be after the cutscene where you end up in a diner. Behind the counter near the "Oh Deer Diner" sign you can grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 5/100

The fifth thermos will be after another cutscene. Once you're outside facing the cabin you'll want to turn around and run all the way up the hill where you'll find this one by a lookout point to see the cabin.

Coffee Thermos 6/100

The sixth thermos will be inside of the cabin sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

Coffee Thermos 7/100

The seventh thermos will be a while later after some cutscenes. You'll have a car crash and start travelling until you reach the first lumber mill area. Behind the big yellow tractor and behind a white truck you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 8/100

The eighth thermos will be while you're crossing a river with a fallen tree trunk. Head over to the left as you step off and near the end of the area you'll find this one on a rock to the right.

Coffee Thermos 9/100

The ninth thermos will be a bit later on once you climb up from the river. You'll head up to some stairs and while facing the opposite of the power switch you can run straight back until you see this one on a rock to the right.

Coffee Thermos 10/100

The tenth thermos will be a bit later while you're heading down the hill. You'll see the gas station off in the distance and this one will be on the cliff to your right.

Coffee Thermos 11/100

The eleventh thermos will be shortly after. You'll jump down to the next path and go to the safe haven light by a generator. Then go straight and to the left along the cliff wall until you reach this one.

Coffee Thermos 12/100

The twelfth thermos is going to be after you fight Stucky in the lumber yard. You'll go under the swinging logs and find this one to the right of a crane.

Coffee Thermos 13/100

The thirteenth thermos will be after you get to the gas station. Don't go inside yet, but go past it and past the float outside. Below the big gas sign you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 14/100

Then the fourteenth thermos will be out on the road even further. Keep going until you reach the part where it's blocked off and you'll find this one.

Episode 2 - 15-31

Coffee Thermos 15/100

The fifteenth thermos will be at the beginning of episode 2. You'll go into the room Alice is in and you can grab it by the computer.

Coffee Thermos 16/100

Thermos sixteen will be slightly later once you're in the sheriff's station. You'll eventually be able to head towards the cell area and instead of going in there you'll go into the break room. The thermos is next to the coffee maker.

Coffee Thermos 17/100

The seventeenth thermos is going to be outside the back door of the sheriff station. Head straight out the door and you'll see this one sitting next to a radio.

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Thermos eighteen will be once you're at the national park area. Behind the register at the front desk you can grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 19/100

The nineteenth thermos is going to be once you go through another cutscene and end up with Barry at another cabin. Go down to the kitchen to find this one.

Coffee Thermos 20/100

Thermos twenty will be once you go outside. You'll head around to the back porch by the hot tub for this one.

Coffee Thermos 21/100

The twenty-first thermos will be down the main path heading forward for a bit. You'll have to try to go help Rusty and see a shed near a crashed car where you can grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 22/100

Thermos twenty-two you can get after finding Rusty and getting the keys from him. Head to the opposite building and then to the left side of it and you'll find this one by a tree.

Coffee Thermos 23/100

The twenty-third thermos will be after you get past "The Great Old One" tree and head up to another bridge. Go past the broken phone booth and get over the broken fence to grab this one by the rocks.

Coffee Thermos 24/100

Thermos twenty-four will be a bit later on once you get to a gate with a tree that's fallen onto it. Instead of jumping over the broken part you'll want to go the opposite way up to a picnic table where this one is.

Coffee Thermos 25/100

The twenty-fifth thermos will be later on while you're using flares to protect the kidnapper. After he unlocks the gate you'll head up through there and next to a map will be this thermos. This is where you should get the "Damn Good Cup of Coffee" achievement.

Coffee Thermos 26/100

Thermos twenty-six will be a bit later on after you end up crossing some logs over water. You'll go towards a generator and safe haven and then you'll see a shack where this one will be.

Coffee Thermos 27/100

The twenty-seventh thermos will be after you go past the old broken down plane and you get to the next safe haven light. Continue forward to the cliff facing the water mill and then turn to the right and you'll see this one.

Coffee Thermos 28/100

Thermos twenty-eight will be at the mill. After riding the wooden elevator up to the top you'll be able to grab this one from in the back corner of the room.

Coffee Thermos 29/100

The twenty-ninth thermos will be after the chainsaw enemy fight and a safe haven. You'll go across a bridge to a campgrounds and you'll find this one to your right on a picnic table.

Coffee Thermos 30/100

Thermos thirty will be after driving in a truck for a bit. You'll go through a gate and then take a right. Go to the end where the barricade is and you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 31/100

The thirty-first thermos will be back down the road to the other side where there's a tunnel. Go to the left along the fence until you get to this one sitting on a picnic table.

Episode 3 - 32-51

Coffee Thermos 32/100

Thermos thirty-two will be in the beginning while Randolph is showing you around. Eventually you can go to the right to grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 33/100

The thirty-third thermos will be after the cutscene with Rose. Then go into the kitchen to grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 34/100

Thermos thirty-four will be a bit later on after a helicopter scene. You'll run up the steps of the tower to grab this one from inside.

Coffee Thermos 35/100

The thirty-fifth thermos will be after you exit the tower and make your way to the searchlight that needs power. To the right you'll have a rock with this one sitting on top.

Coffee Thermos 36/100

Thermos thirty-six is going to be right before you get to the radio station. You'll find it under the billboards to the left of the building.

Coffee Thermos 37/100

The thirty-seventh thermos will be as you're making your way down from a radio tower and some crows will attack you. There will be cliff over to your left with this one sitting there.

Coffee Thermos 38/100

Thermos thirty-eight is going to be a bit later after you go through a few small shacks. You'll end up following the path to another small shack with this one inside.

Coffee Thermos 39/100

The thirty-ninth thermos will be after you go through a bridge with a bunch of poltergeists. You'll climb up a ladder and see it forward and to your right on a pallet.

Coffee Thermos 40/100

Thermos forty will be a little bit later when you come up to a possessed bulldozer. After you get through the gate to leave that area this one will be to your right in a window.

Coffee Thermos 41/100

The forty-first thermos will be after a cutscene and you're on your way to the coal mine in a truck. Once you get to some stacked logs before a broken bridge you go under, you'll need to go to the right to find this one on a red chair.

Coffee Thermos 42/100

Thermos forty-two is going to be later on once you get to the mine museum. You'll go into the mine to the left and grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 43/100

The forty-third thermos will be once you go into the actual museum building. You'll have a phone call and then drop down and this one will be on one of the shelves.

Coffee Thermos 44/100

Thermos forty-four is going to be a while later after you have to go turn off power in order to get up the stairs to enter another building. Go up the ladder inside of the building and this one will be sitting on a red chair.

Coffee Thermos 45/100

The forty-fifth thermos will be a bit later when you come up to a fork in the road. The left path will head to a mine, and then if you go to the right of it you'll eventually come to a wooden platform leading down with this one down there.

Coffee Thermos 46/100

Thermos forty-six will be across the bridge and you'll come up to another split path. Go down the left path and you'll eventually come up to a small red building where this one is sitting.

Coffee Thermos 47/100

The forty-seventh is going to be a bit later after you cross the Gray Peak Gorge bridge. You'll go across that then take a right, then a left, and head straight into the red broken down building to find this one.

Coffee Thermos 48/100

Thermos forty-eight will be as you're attacked by a train. You'll have to then grab a key from in a small shed and this thermos is sitting right behind that shed.

Coffee Thermos 49/100

The forty-ninth thermos is going to be after you get into a big mine area. Eventually a big enemy comes through and you fight them, then you can head through that opening and you'll find this one on your left as you're running through.

Coffee Thermos 50/100

Thermos fifty will be a bit later as you run across a large bridge. Right after walking off of the bridge you'll turn to the left and go up to a cliff with this one.

Coffee Thermos 51/100

The fifty-first thermos is after you go up to a large building where you go up top, and the roof falls in. Once you go back up and get off the other side you can turn back around to face it and head around the right side to find this one.

Episode 4 - 52-69

Coffee Thermos 52/100

Thermos fifty-two will be near the beginning of this episode. Doctor Hartman will lead you outside and then back in. This one will be sitting on the main desk.

Coffee Thermos 53/100

The fifty-third thermos is shortly after that when you run upstairs to go back to your room. Once at the top of the stairs you can head off to the right and grab this one from on the railing.

Coffee Thermos 54/100

Thermos fifty-four will be in the rood that you find Barry in. It'll just be sitting behind him.

Coffee Thermos 55/100

The fifty-fifth thermos will be as you're making your escape from the building. A giant possessed sphere will break down a door to let you through, and once outside you can go to the right around the building to find this one.

Coffee Thermos 56/100

Thermos fifty-six is going to be after you're going through the maze area of the "resort" and get to a gazebo with a boss enemy there. Inside the gazebo you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 57/100

The fifty-seventh thermos will be a bit later in this area as you get to the portion with a bit of water on your left. You'll come up to a table with this one on it.

Coffee Thermos 58/100

Thermos fifty-eight is going to be once you're on the way to the Anderson farm. You'll go over a mine cart bridge and over to the left. Before you go to the mine you'll want to run back onto the wooden platform for this.

Coffee Thermos 59/100

The fifty-ninth thermos will be once you reach a camp site with a few tents and you'll find this one here.

Coffee Thermos 60/100

Thermos sixty is going to be after some bear traps and you come up to a building. Go around the left side up some stairs and this one will be in the window.

Coffee Thermos 61/100

The sixty-first thermos will be after you get through another bear trap section and reach a cabin. Go in there, to the left, and this one you'll find sitting on the kitchen counter.

Coffee Thermos 62/100

Thermos sixty-two is going to be after you get into a truck and start driving. You'll end up coming up to a tractor on your right where this one is sitting.

Coffee Thermos 63/100

The sixty-third thermos will be a bit later once you get to a fork in the road. Go over to the right and you'll find this one by another tractor.

Coffee Thermos 64/100

Thermos sixty-four is going to be as you're arriving at Anderson Farm. Once you reach the bleacher area this one will be off to the left.

Coffee Thermos 65/100

The sixty-fifth thermos will be as you get to the stage with Barry. Once through the cutscene you'll want to turn around and grab it from by Barry.

Coffee Thermos 66/100

Thermos sixty-six is going to be in the big barn that you have to clear the door to get into. On the right side of the barn behind the TV you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 67/100

The sixty-seventh thermos will be after you use a boat to bust out of one barn, and then go to the next one. Inside of there you'll run upstairs and you'll find it on the third floor on a shelf.

Coffee Thermos 68/100

Thermos sixty-eight is going to be after you let Barry out of a building and you run to the actual house. When you enter, go to the right into the bathroom, and you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 69/100

The sixty-ninth thermos will also be in the Anderson house sitting in the kitchen on the counter.

Episode 5 - 70-89

Coffee Thermos 70/100

Thermos seventy is going to be as you're following the sheriff. Once you get up to the front desk you can grab this one by the window.

Coffee Thermos 71/100

The seventy-first thermos will be shortly after when you get the outside gate open. As you proceed and fight taken you'll head to the right on the street and then see this one by some benches on your left.

Coffee Thermos 72/100

Thermos seventy-two is going to be in the diner a little bit later on. Just walk inside and it'll be in the middle area behind the counter.

Coffee Thermos 73/100

The seventy-third thermos will be further down the main road. You'll find this one under the Deerfest banner on the left side.

Coffee Thermos 74/100

Thermos seventy-four is going to be after Sarah opens up a gate that she has to unlock. To the left as soon as you walk through you'll find this one by a grill.

Coffee Thermos 75/100

The seventy-fifth thermos will be in the Mayor's office. As you're going through your objectives you'll be attacked by a taken that bursts through the door. Inside of that room and to the right you'll find this one.

Coffee Thermos 76/100

Thermos seventy-six is going to be in the bookstore. You'll see this one in the window as you go in.

Coffee Thermos 77/100

The seventy-seventh thermos will be as you're going through a playground a bit later. To the right you'll find this one in a sandbox.

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Thermos seventy-eight will be down in the basement of the church. It'll be in the back left corner.

Coffee Thermos 79/100

The seventy-ninth thermos will be as you get up to the helicopter area a bit later. Look to the left and you can grab this one from on a bench.

Coffee Thermos 80/100

Thermos eighty is going to be after a cutscene where you're attacked by birds. Once you're in control again you'll look to your right and grab this one from by the fence.

Coffee Thermos 81/100

The eighty-first thermos will be inside the nearby building. You'll have to go over the fence and fight a bunch of enemies, but then you can grab it from the other side of the building.

Coffee Thermos 82/100

Thermos eighty-two is going to be once you get up to the area with a bunch of generators and electrical equipment. You'll have two large taken enemies attack you and once you get through the part that they try to trap you in, you can look to your right and this one will be sitting on some pallets.

Coffee Thermos 83/100

The eighty-third thermos will be after you get to a small bridge control room. To the right of the office is this thermos.

Coffee Thermos 84/100

Thermos eighty-four is going to be after you get across the Memorial Bridge you'll go into the control room on the other side and this one is sitting on the couch

Coffee Thermos 85/100

The eighty-fifth thermos will be after the helicopter comes back to give you some support, then you'll end up at a large structure shortly after. This one will be around the building in the parking lot area in front of a shed.

Coffee Thermos 86/100

Thermos eighty-six is going to be in the building where the lightkeeper lady is. Just run into the room on the side and it'll be sitting on the ground on the right.

Coffee Thermos 87/100

The eighty-seventh thermos will be a bit later as you're going up a hill to an elevator. There will be a large pipe on your left and this one is inside of that on the ground.

Coffee Thermos 88/100

Thermos eighty-eight is going to be after the elevator. You'll look to your right and this one will be on the cliff edge past the railing.

Coffee Thermos 89/100

The eighty-ninth thermos will be when you have to use a search light to destroy some enemies. After a bit you'll come up to a building with a spiral staircase and this one will be at the bottom on the ground right before you leave.

Episode 6 - 90-100

Coffee Thermos 90/100

Thermos ninety is going to be after a cut scene and once you have control you can grab it from the table next to you.

Coffee Thermos 91/100

The ninety-first thermos will be after you start driving for a bit. You'll want to stop at the tunnel and go to the left to a barn. This one will be on the side in a box.

Coffee Thermos 92/100

Thermos ninety-two is going to be at the Majestic hotel. Inside the lobby area you'll want to look over to the right and grab it from in the bathroom. Yea I know, what's up with people leaving coffee thermoses in bathrooms in this world?

Coffee Thermos 93/100

The ninety-third thermos will be after the poltergeists on the bridge. You'll go back into a car and then have to fight a monster truck by luring it into the barn with a bright light. Go out the left door and run straight out to the house where this one is sitting on the porch.

Coffee Thermos 94/100

Thermos ninety-four is going to be a while later once you finally get to Larsen's. Inside the building you'll head to the back left area and it'll be on a shelf.

Coffee Thermos 95/100

The ninety-fifth thermos will be while you're driving out to the junkyard. Before going over the ramp that you come up to, you'll want to get out and grab this one from the right side.

Coffee Thermos 96/100

Thermos ninety-six is going to be further on the path when you get ambushed. After you defeat those enemies go into the building on the right side to find this one.

Coffee Thermos 97/100

The ninety-seventh thermos will be a bit later after you ride a mine cart for a second. You'll end up climbing up a ladder to a wooden platform where you push another mine cart while you're being attacked. On the other side you can grab this one from under a covered area.

Coffee Thermos 98/100

Thermos ninety-eight is going to be after you go a while and things start falling from the sky. After the second thing falls you can go to the left into a red train car to grab this one.

Coffee Thermos 99/100

The ninety-ninth thermos will be after you jump out of a building and have a large silo nearby. This one is sitting behind it.

Coffee Thermos 100/100

The last thermos, number one hundred, is going to be after you defeat the tornado, go to your apartment, and start going through a part of the game where you're just shining your light on words to proceed. You'll end up near a couch with the word thermos, shine the light on that to grab this last one and get the "Hypercaffeinated" achievement.

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