Alan Wake - All Radio Collectible Locations

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This week we'll be going over all of the Radio collectibles in Alan Wake for the KBF-FM achievement. There are 12 of these throughout the game, and we'll go through them all episode by episode.

Episode 1

Radio 1/11

The first radio will be when you're first arriving at your cabin. You'll go through the cabin and out to the back porch where you can find this one on your right.

Radio 2/11

The second radio is going to be in the lumber yard after you turn on a generator and use a crane to move a pile of logs over as a bridge. Head up to the safe haven light and then into the shack next to it to find this radio.

Episode 2

Radio 3/11

The third radio will be after you leave the sheriff's station out the back door. You'll go straight across the lot and find the radio.

Radio 4/11

The fourth radio will be later on once you're at the national park. As you head down the path going towards "Lover's Peak" you'll need to go in the first cabin and find the radio.

Episode 3

Radio 5/11

The fifth radio is going to be after you leave Rose's trailer. You'll head back the way you came and eventually you'll find a radio sitting on the steps next to another trailer.

Radio 6/11

The sixth radio will be a while later. You'll start getting flashbangs and then you can head to the next safe haven light. From there you'll see some more supplies next to this radio.

Radio 7/11

The seventh radio is actually one that you get automatically during the story. You'll come up to the actual radio station and during the cutscene you'll get this one.

Radio 8/11

Moving on to the mirror peak area you'll be able to get radio eight after passing under a broken bridge. You'll see stairs leading up to a building on your right and you'll find this radio.

Radio 9/11

The ninth radio will be a little bit later on as you come up to a large tower. Go up there to get this radio.

Episode 4

Radio 10/11

After a while you'll get to the section where you're heading to the Anderson Farm. You'll eventually pass by another big radio tower and can head up the tower to get radio ten.

Radio 11/11

Much later in the episode you can get the last radio, radio eleven, after you go through the big barn with a boat that you use to bust down the door. You'll go to the next building on your way through the story and upstairs you'll be able to find this last radio and get the KBF-FM achievement.

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