Alan Wake - All TV Show Locations Guide

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This week we'll be going over all of the TV Show collectibles in Alan Wake for the couch potato achievement. There are 14 of these throughout the game, and we'll go through them all episode by episode.

Episode 1

TV Show 1/14

After a while you'll be going between lumber mill areas. TV 1 will be as you're coming up to the third one and you'll need to go into a small building to get the gate open. In there you'll find this TV by the button.

TV Show 2/14

TV 2 will be right at the end of the episode as you're getting into the gas station. You'll walk in the back and as you walk past the TV it'll turn on. Use the option to focus on it to get this one.

Episode 2

TV Show 3/14

TV 3 you'll be able to get after you head out the back of the police station to talk to the kidnapper. As you're going back inside the station the TV will turn back on which gets you this collectible.

TV Show 4/14

A bit later on, you'll head to the Elderwood National Park and can get TV 4. You'll start going past a couple of cabins on your right and you'll want to go into the second cabin. There you'll find this TV sitting inside.

TV Show 5/14

TV 5 will be even later on. You'll get past a chainsaw man fight and then have to grab keys from the men's bathroom to proceed further. While you're on your way out this next TV will activate.

Episode 3

TV Show 6/14

TV 6 will be at the beginning of the episode as you're going into Rose's trailer. You'll go through a cut scene there and then the TV will activate on its own.

TV Show 7/14

A while later you'll be able to get TV 7 after you go into a train depot. You'll go upstairs and the TV will be sitting on a table for you to activate.

TV Show 8/14

Even later into the episode you'll fight a possessed train and then have to open up a door with a key. As you go into that locked building TV 8 will turn on automatically.

Episode 4

TV Show 9/14

TV 9 is going to be a few minutes into this next episode. As you're running back upstairs to go to your room it'll play automatically.

TV Show 10/14

TV 10 is a while later when you're heading out to Anderson Farm. You'll go through a trail with bear traps and eventually reach a cabin. Inside of there you can go upstairs and into the right room for a piece of the story to play out, then go into the other room upstairs for this TV to automatically start.

TV Show 11/14

After the battle on stage, you can go get TV 11. You'll end up going up to a barn with the entrance blocked and your cardboard cutout out front. Once inside of there this TV will be on the right side just a bit back from where you enter.

Episode 5

TV Show 12/14

TV 12 is going to be after you defend Sarah while she's unlocking the door to a large building. Go up to the second floor and this TV will be sitting here.

TV Show 13/14

Much later in the episode you'll be able to get TV 13 after you go across a large bridge. There's a control room on the other side where you'll get this TV.

Episode 6

TV Show 14/14

The last TV, TV 14, will be in the last episode. You'll be in your apartment having a sort of flashback and go through things normally. Once you go to the TV to watch it that will count as this last one to get you the "Couch Potato" achievement.

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