Alan Wake - All Can Pyramid Collectible Locations

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This week we'll be going over all of the Can Pyramid collectibles in Alan Wake for the Carny achievement. There are 12 of these throughout the game, but only 5 are needed for the achievement. We'll still go over all 12 just in case you miss one. Or a few.

We should first talk about how you actually obtain the can pyramid collectibles. Instead of picking them up you'll need to knock them down. This is generally done by shooting them, but you can technically also just walk into them and kick them down. However you do it, once they're knocked down it'll count.

Episode 1

Can Pyramid 1/12

The first pyramid you'll run into is in the beginning when the light gives you a gun. You'll go through the combat tutorial and then can shoot this can pyramid from on a fence.

Can Pyramid 2/12

The second pyramid we'll be later in the first episode. You'll start up a generator and then use a bundle of logs on a crane to create a bridge. You'll go across that and this can pyramid will be sitting on a table.

Episode 2

Can Pyramid 3/12

While going through Episode 2 you'll eventually fall to where there's a waterfall. A bit after that you'll end up going through a path with a bunch of bear traps. After that you'll come up to an open area where you'll find the third can pyramid sitting on a barrel.

Can Pyramid 4/12

The fourth one you'll come across later on after a driving section. You'll come up to a roadblock near a tunnel. Go to the left towards a safe haven light and you'll find this pyramid sitting on a table.

Episode 3

Can Pyramid 5/12

For can pyramid 5, you'll eventually get to a radio station where the host is and you'll then continue on. You'll end up going down a cliff for a bit, then come up to a truck with lights next to it. Nearby you'll find a shack with another smaller shack next to it. In the smaller shack you'll find this pyramid.

This would also be the point you would get the Carny achievement if you got all of the others so feel free to skip the rest if you want. I'll keep going through them though just in case you missed any others.

Can Pyramid 6/12

Can Pyramid 6 will be even later in this episode. You'll go through some mines, and then go on a cable car where you'll be attacked by birds. After you fall down, you'll run up the hill to a safe haven light and then you'll find this pyramid on the railing where the cable car should have ended.

Episode 4

Can Pyramid 7/12

Can Pyramid 7 you'll get near the end of the first section of this chapter. You'll got through a hedge maze, go through a few other sections of this botanical garden type area, and eventually have to break down this gate with your flashlight. Go through that and over on the right you'll find this can pyramid.

Can Pyramid 8/12

A while later in this Episode you can get can pyramid 8 when you go to Anderson Farm. While there you'll go through a fight on a stage, and then head on out to a big barn with a large boat inside. Once you use the boat to break out of that barn, you'll see this pyramid sitting over to the left.

Episode 5

Can Pyramid 9/12

Can Pyramid 9 will be while you're going through the town. Eventually you'll hear a car alarm on the road after passing the diner. You'll see a hotdog stand with this pyramid sitting on top.

Can Pyramid 10/12

Then can pyramid 10 will be after you meet the lady of the light much later in the chapter. She'll ask you to go flip a power switch. Once you get out to it the pyramid will be sitting to the right of it.

Episode 6

Can Pyramid 11/12

For can pyramid 11 you'll need to keep driving until you reach the Majestic Hotel. If you're going for the "Gunless Wonder" achievement you'll need to not shoot any guns during this time which will make activating this collectible a bit more complicated, but don't worry, there's still a way to do it. Outside of the hotel to the left you'll find this pyramid on the wall. You can either shoot them, or jump onto a car and then onto the wall and just run over to kick them. Either way works.

Can Pyramid 12/12

For the last can pyramid, number 12, you'll be driving some more and then come up to a big road block. You'll go up to the right to "Larsen's" and once inside the big building you'll go up for a while until you finally come out onto a deck. This pyramid is sitting out here. Quick reminder, if you're going for "Gunless Wonder" you'll still need to not use a gun, so you'll have to just jump at it and eventually you'll get it knocked down. This one is a bit harder than the last to knock over that way.

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