SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - 100% Achievement/Trophy Guide (PART 2)

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This is a guide for getting all of the achievements in the game SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake. I have also made a video guide which you can find below to go along with this or as a standalone resource if that is more helpful. This guide is split into 2 parts. This is part 2.

Part 1
Part 2

Achievement Stats

Number of Achievements - 44
True Steam Achievements Score - 618

SteamHunters Score - 3,741

Exophase Score - 3,855

Average Completion Time - 15h 48m
Average Completion Percentage - 56.69%

There will be quite a few collectibles in the game that will be tied to a few achievements, but those are best left for the endgame, so we’ll go over those then. One thing to note is that you should be picking up as much jelly as possible throughout the game so that you can buy all of the costumes.


Wrath-tub for defeating 25 enemies with the big jelly’s attack. This is done by running around one of the big jellies and allowing smaller enemies to also run up to you. Stay still for long enough and he’ll try to slam his tub down on you, also defeating any enemies under it.

A good place to grind this out is on the Goo Lagoon map. At the second group of buildings you’ll have a big jelly in the middle with a lot of small enemies. Kite them over to him and let him defeat them until they’re all gone and then reload to repeat it.

King of Bubbles

King of Bubbles is for bubbling 100 enemies. Simple enough, just use that bubble attack on 100 enemies throughout the game. Any time you hit one with a bubble and it gets trapped inside it’ll count.

The Good, The Bad, and the Krabby

The Good, The Bad, and the Krabby is for catching Mr. Krabs in under 3 minutes. Once the chase sequence starts you have to go as fast as you can constantly hitting the speed up button on the sea horse.

Once you get up to the train, you’ll need to try to rush through it as quickly as possible as this is where you need to make up time in order to finish it in the time limit. If you want to see an example of a good run, you can check out this portion of my video guide where I let this part of the run through play out.

Kah-Rah-Tay King

Kah-Rah-Tay King is for not taking damage during the Sandy boss fight. This one isn’t that bad, you just have to get used to the mechanics and time the dodges correctly. Keep an eye on your health as you go through it and you’ll be able to tell you take a hit.

Deck Scrubber

Deck Scrubber is for reclaiming the dutchman’s ship within 5 minutes during the boss fight. This one isn’t too hard to do, but once you take the slingshot to start the fight, you’ll just want to learn the route you have to go so you can just keep moving and only really fight enemies if you absolutely have to. Once you get to the actual ship you have to defeat every enemy in order to proceed through each part.

Pet You Didn’t See That Coming

Pet you didn’t see that coming is for not being seen by Gary during his boss fight. This isn’t too hard to do, but does take a bit of timing to get through it.

Gary will sometimes stop watching for you and those are your chances to really run for it, but when he starts scanning again, you’ll need to stop and play a bit more carefully. Once you get to the end just smack the vending machine device to finish the boss battle.

If you'd like to see my run to see where I stop, wait, and run for it, then you'll want to check out this portion of my video guide where I let my run play out.


Dehydrated is for evading all of Pom Pom’s shockwaves during the boss fight. Basically, the same as Sandy’s challenge, but a bit more specific on what you can take damage from, and a bit harder to actually dodge the attacks. Just be sure to keep an eye on your health and if you take damage from a regular enemy don’t worry about it. We’re only worried about dodging Pom Pom’s shockwaves.

Knight in Shining PJs

Knight in shining PJs is for delivering all of the cakes without getting hit once in the medieval sulfur fields boss fight. It’s not super hard to get this done, but it is pretty tedious. You’ll need to play it pretty safe as you’re navigating the battle making sure you don’t get hit, and that you can get all of the cakes delivered.

Splash Zone

Splash Zone is for having Glovey Glove defeat 20 enemies during the boss fight. At the beginning this is very easy to do and helps you with another achievement we covered earlier on anyway. Just run around and allow him to shoot goo onto the field and let all of the other enemies' step into it to take damage and get defeated by it.

Tentacle Dodger

Tentacle Dodger is for not getting hit by Jelly Squidward’s tentacles during the boss fight. This was actually one of the easier ones to do when it comes to the “not getting hit” boss challenges and I even got it done on the first try. His attacks are pretty simple so you shouldn’t have much trouble with this one.

Fashion Hunter

Fashion Hunter for unlocking all costumes. This costs A LOT of jelly, but luckily not as much as in the first game.

The best place I found to grind this out was by going to the parking lot checkpoint of the karate downtown bikini bottom map. Once there you can run straight ahead to trigger the explosive tikis to blow up, and immediately run to the right through the fence to jump up and slam down into the middle of the tiki pyramid to break all of those.

Then break the small groups right next to it and reload that checkpoint. This gets you almost 200 jellies for just 17 seconds of time. A lot of the other grinding spots out there aren’t anywhere near this quick and it’ll allow you to get enough jelly to buy all of the costumes easily.

SpongeLock HolmesPants

Spongelock Holmespants is for finding the secret spatula in every level. I made videos going over every collectible on every map including the golden spatulas. So go check that out and take care of the next achievement while you're at it.

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake Playlist

Wanna See Me Do It Again

Wanna See Me Do It Again is for clearing every level and defeating the final boss. So essentially just get every single collectible including the golden spatulas for the previous achievement.

Of course, I have my playlist of videos going over every single map's collectibles linked above.

I'm also going link all of the written guides I've made for each map going over all of the collectibles as well.

Wild West Jellyfish Fields Collectibles

Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom Collectibles

Pirate Goo Lagoon Collectibles

Halloween Rock Bottom Collectibles

Prehistoric Kelp Forest Collectibles

Medieval Sulfur Fields Collectibles

Jelly Glove World Collectibles

Bikini Bottom Collectibles

One Sponge To Rule Them All

Now once we get all of these other things done and I mean EVERYTHING else in this video, then we’ll finally get One Sponge To Rule Them All for getting all awards. The awards correlate to the achievements so by the time you get the last one you’ll also get this one.

And there you go! 100% of the achievements in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake.

If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my YouTube Channel.

I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, our website, or Steam check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.

Thanks for reading/watching!