Before we get started with all of the collectible locations in the "Halloween Rock Bottom" map in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, I'd recommend you wait to go through this guide until after you've already beaten the game. None of these are missable so don't worry about them before that point. You'll even be required to have some of the abilities you unlock later in the game before you can even access many of the collectibles.
Starting at the "Bus Stop" checkpoint we can get the first good noodle star. To the right of the spawn just climb up the large stone pillar and this will be sitting on top.
For the first coin you'll go to the left of the spawn over to a purple button to hit. Then platform your way through the path that opens up leading through rings of fire, and this coin will be at the end sitting on top of some tikis.
The second coin will be near the end of this area where you're introduced to the purple angler fish. If you use the karate kick balloon to get up into the alcove on the left side you can find the coin in there.
You can also find the spot location on this map near the end of this area as well. Once you get to the point where you have to use a jumping pad to reach Kandyville you can instead jump backwards and find spot sitting on a ledge.
Then we can move on to the "Kandyville" checkpoint for the second good noodle star. At the beginning you'll go to the right past the flying dutchman and use the jump pad to get up to the rooftops. Go behind the house and you'll find this star.
Coin three we can get if you go up the path with conveyers and once you get to the platform with a pyramid of tikis you can look down to see a coin sitting on another platform. Just jump down there to grab it.
If we go back up to the platform with the pyramid of tikis we can grab good noodle star three. Once on that platform look off to the right and jump/glide out to it to pick it up.
Then we can go grab coin four. From the giant statue sticking out it's tongue you can follow the tongue straight out to find a button for a reef blower challenge. Use that and jump up to the roof where you'll have to suck enemies to fight the big pink boss enemy. Once those are all defeated you'll get this coin.
Now back on the ground near the beginning of the checkpoint we can start the flying dutchman's side quest and start finding the first fake flying dutchman. So talk to him and start that, then go past him and use the jumping pads to get up to the house across from the start of the conveyor belts. This is the same area that we found the second good noodle star.
Then we can move on to the "Snail Race" checkpoint to get coin five. Go through the snail race and finish it in time for this coin. You'll want to be hitting the button to speed up quickly the entire time to make it as the timing on this is only going to allow you to finish it within a second or two of it ending.
Then we can move on to the "Shadow Theater" area for good noodle star number four. This will be on the top of the main theater roof. You can go through the main story path to get all the way up there and jump to it.
From there you can also get the golden spatula for the level by jumping from the main theater roof over to the left to this platform where the golden spatula is.
Back over on the roof of the theater we can get coin seven. Just hit the button on top of it and complete the platforming challenge in time to get the coin.
For the second fake flying dutchman you can start by facing the theater, and then follow the right side cable all the way until you reach a pipe with a boxing enemy. Behind that pipe you'll find the fake dutchman.
Then we can move on to the "Museum Slide" checkpoint and get coin eight. After the first sliding section you'll end up in an area with a large grate in the middle that you can break through. Go down there and kill the enemies to get this one.
Once you continue on and jump on the large jumping pad you can get good noodle star five by jumping up to the next sliding section, but face towards the right and then use the karate kick to eventually get to the good noodle star at the end of the slide.
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