Spongebob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake - All Prehistoric Kelp Forest Collectibles

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The Prehistoric Kelp Forest map in Spongebob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake has 11 collectibles across the map. These will all be required for the "Wanna See Me Do It Again?" achievement, so in this guide we'll show you all of those locations in relation to the checkpoints where they can be found.

Before we get started with all of the collectible locations in the "Prehistoric Kelp Forest" map in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, I'd recommend you wait to go through this guide until after you've already beaten the game. None of these are missable so don't worry about them before that point. You'll even be required to have some of the abilities you unlock later in the game before you can even access many of the collectibles.

Stalactite Cave Checkpoint


Starting at the first checkpoint with collectibles "Stalactite Cave" you can get the first hot item. At the start of the area during the chase sequence you just need to go over to the left side and you'll run into this one.

Algae Jungle Checkpoint


Then moving on to the "Algae Jungle" checkpoint we can get the golden spatula. Shortly into this area you'll have to start using jump pads to get across. You'll find the spatula on a platform over to the left. Just jump down and glide over to that to pick it up.

COIN 1/4

A bit later we can get the first coin. You'll come up to another lava area with a large hollow tree trunk on the right side with jellys on top. Inside you'll find a button to jump on and activate a bubble surfing challenge. At the end of the challenge you'll get the coin.

Sleeping Dorudon Checkpoint

COIN 2/4

Then we can move on to the "Sleeping Dorudon" checkpoint for the second coin. Once past the Dorudon you can go to the left to start a reef blower challenge.

You'll need to go through the rings to each of the jellyfish islands, suck in the jelly fish, and then keep going around.

After going through the two islands you'll have a full charge and can shoot down the barrier to grab this coin from the start of the challenge.

Volcano Slide Checkpoint


We can then move on to the "Volcano Slide" checkpoint for the second hot item. You'll eventually get to a point where you can go off to the left to a big jump pad and then glide boost to get the item from in the air.

COIN 3/4

Next up is coin three nearby. You'll eventually come up to a point where there's a jumping pad on the right sitting in lava. Use that to get up to another side track of the slide and get the coin from the end.

Lava Cave Checkpoint


Then we can move onto the "Lava Cave" checkpoint for hot object 3. This one will be in your path during the section where you're jumping across moving platforms in lava.


Hot object 4 will be shortly after that in the same area. During the boulder riding section it'll be above a lava geyser. Just wait for it to go up and then go across.


Next will be hot object 5 which is also in this same section as the last. When you get to the second geyser while riding the boulder, you'll want to wait for it go down, sit on top of it, and once it shoots up it'll take you up to the object.

Cave Painting Checkpoint


Then we can move onto the "Cave Painting" checkpoint for spot's location on this map. As soon as you fast travel there you'll just turn around and grab him from right behind you.

COIN 4/4

Coin four will be in this same area. Just go over to the right of the puzzle behind the stone chair and you'll find this coin.

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