Spongebob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake - All Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom Collectibles

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The Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom map in Spongebob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake has 19 collectibles across the map. These will all be required for the "Wanna See Me Do It Again?" achievement, so in this guide we'll show you all of those locations in relation to the checkpoints where they can be found.

Before we get started with all of the collectible locations in the "Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom" map in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, I'd recommend you wait to go through this guide until after you've already beaten the game. None of these are missable so don't worry about them before that point. You'll even be required to have some of the abilities you unlock later in the game before you can even access many of the collectibles.

Movie Hallway Checkpoint

COIN 1/10

Starting from the first checkpoint Movie Hallway we can get the first coin by going down the red carpet until we get to a hook button on the floor.

Stomp on the button to spawn in some hooks and rings of fire that you'll need to run through before the time runs out to get this coin.

COIN 2/10

Then we can grab coin 2 from right next to the hook button. Over on the wall you'll see a hole in the wall filled with tikis.

Clear that and go through that tunnel to find a coin at the end.


The first fortune cookie we can get as you exit the red-carpet hallway. You'll jump on the closest trailer on your left, then turn around and jump on the ledge above the doorway you just came out of.

Backlot Checkpoint


Then moving on to the Backlot checkpoint we can go to Spot's location for the map. Near the beginning of the area, you'll have a blue truck on the left that you can jump onto, an inflatable pad above the road, and then a building on the right. Jump on the truck, go across the pad, and grab spot from on top of the building.


In that same area you can look over to the left of the road and find the second fortune cookie sitting on a table. It's very hard to miss that one.


Then go through the side scrolling section and shortly into that you'll see the third fortune cookie sitting on a box.

COIN 3/10

Shortly after that we can get the third coin close to the end of the side scrolling section. You'll jump up on the wooden platform and then jump up to get over the brick wall where this coin is sitting.

Back Alley Checkpoint


Then we can move on to the "Back Alley" checkpoint to get the golden spatula for this map. Right after the part where you learn to karate kick you can go into a blue truck to grab this from behind some tikis.


Also, near the beginning of this checkpoint you can get the fourth fortune cookie. There will be glowing dumpster that you just have to hit to open it up and grab it.


Then we can get coin four by going up to the shining slingshot on a roof.

It'll shoot you over where you have to platform across to another slingshot that shoots you across again. From there you can jump over to the coin.

COIN 5/10

Next up on this area you can get coin five when you're karate kicking your way across rooftops. You'll come across a platform below you with a slingshot that you need to drop down to use the slingshot to shoot up to another set of rooftops, and then jump over to where the coin is sitting.

Paparazzi Street Checkpoint


Then we can move onto the "Paparazzi Street" checkpoint to get fortune cookie five. You'll go down the street for a bit and then right before you get to the security guy you can grab this one from a table.

First Nautical Bank Checkpoint

COIN 6/10

Then we can move onto the "First Nautical Bank" checkpoint for coin six. At the beginning you'll see a slingshot shining in a crater that you'll need to use to shoot up to some rooftops.

Use the reef blower to navigate across those and break down the barriers until you can jump to the top of the bank to grab the coin.


Next for this area is fortune cookie six. You'll go through the sewer system that you use to get to the next area, and as soon as you come up on the other side you can grab this one from right in front of you.

Parking Lot Checkpoint

COIN 7/10

Then we can move onto the "parking lot" checkpoint for the seventh coin. You just need to jump on top of the blue tiki in front of you and then platform over to the right of the spawn to get over the fence where this coin can be found.

COIN 8/10

Next for the area is coin number eight. Just go through the parking lot area to the last section where you'll find an ambulance with a button on top.

Hit the button to start an actually somewhat tough fight with a lot of enemies. Survive and defeat all of those for this coin.

Dojo Estate Checkpoint


Then we can move onto the "Dojo Estate" checkpoint for fortune cookie seven. As soon as you spawn you can run ahead to the gong area to grab it from the center.

COIN 9/10

Next we can grab the ninth coin near the end of the actual dojo area. You'll climb the tikis to get over the wall, or just climb onto the roof from slightly later in the level, and jump down to a path where you have to karate kick your way through to find the coin at the end.

COIN 10/10

Then finally we can get coin ten by going up the jump pads up to the roof and a few rooftops over you'll see a hook button to stomp on and start a race.

Go through that path with hooks and jump pads quick enough to get this coin.

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